Chapter 2

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The degrees were getting higher and the nights were getting shorter. But the shadows of the night were large and perfect to hide in. Kalea ran through the streets and sometimes stopped to hide in the shadows. Sweat was dripping down her forehead. The black fabric was covering most of her face slowly caught most of the sweat, so that her mouth was now itching against the wet cloth. She stopped when she reached a little alley, close to the centre of the city. She panted and pulled the wet cloth down from her face. This was it, the alley. She slowly walked around and inspected every corner of it. It wasn't a very big alley and, if she could say, she wouldn't have chosen it for a robbery. There were trashcans everywhere and there wasn't much room to move around. The smell of rotten food and garbage bags was hanging in the air and Kalea had to squeeze her nose so that she wouldn't get sick for any of that sort.

She pushed and pulled herself to the end of the alley and inspected a white cloth that lay on the ground. She found it. She picked the cloth up and immediately noticed that it was covered in blood and spit. If Raphael was right, it was a side effect on being what she was. What they were. Raphael told her what they were. Inhuman.

He told her that she and his other creation were his pride and joy. Until her, sister also known as Agent 1, turned her back on him and ran away. She frowned her eyebrows. Agent 1 had been ungrateful to Raphael, but Raphael didn't want her dead. She was ordered to bring him her DNA, but until now, Kalea didn't have any idea how to do that. For what and why he needed it was not of her concern. She folded the cloth and put it in her belt bag. She stood up and easily walked out of the alley.

'Incoming call. Incoming call.'

The loud, female voice echoed through the silent streets.

'Shit,' Kalea cursed.

As fast and panicked as she could, Kalea pulled out her watch and watched how the ticking clock turned into a video call. Kalea looked around the empty street and sighed. She had to be sure no one had heard it. The screen flashed for a moment, but then Kalea saw Raphael, sitting on the chair at his desk. His hair was dark brown and his eyes were hazel-coloured. He wore a black suit with a blue checked tie, but Kalea was very sure he only put on that outfit to impress people who had meetings with him at the office. Without saying anything, without smiling, he immediately got to the point. 'Have you found anything yet?', he asked. Kalea nodded zealous. 'Yes, it was exactly where you told me it would be but-,' she paused for a moment, 'why do you need it?'

Raphael grinned and sighed. 'Well, I'm going to make more of you two,' he answered. Kalea frowned her eyebrows in confusion. 'More?', she asked puzzled.

'Yes. I've been working on this project for quite some time, but I think I finally figured out how to process your DNA into a new creation of mine,' he said confidential.

Kalea was speechless. 'But you told me- You told me you created me because you wanted a daughter. Now you're treating me like, like a weapon? A useless weapon that can be destroyed and replaced?', she asked. Raphael let out a laugh and shook his head. 'My darling, you can only be a true daughter to me once you figure out how to handle life in the first place.'

'Than what do you want me to do?', she asked anxious. "I can't tell you that right now, first I have to handle some business," he said after which the screen on her watch blacked out and returned to be an average watch. She sighed and looked around. She should be happy. He was making more teenagers like her, so she wouldn't be alone anymore. But she couldn't help but feel betrayed. She didn't like being second best, but now she knew she was. She wasn't his first creation, she wasn't like this other girl. She remembered that time when Raphael told her that this other girl was much more of a fighter than she was. And that he really hoped he would get her back someday.

She was second best trying to be first. But it was a dream that would never come true. All her life, for how long that had been, she knew she wanted to make Raphael happy. And if it meant getting this girl back, she would do it. But if the girl returned to her original creator, Kalea would be wiped away, cleared of the table. So, why would she?

She was left in confusion, alone on the middle of the dark, damp street. And the fact he wanted to create more. It left her with the thought of; am I not good enough?

A sudden beep interrupted her thoughts and her eyes turned to her watch.

1 new text message.

Kalea tapped the screen and read what it had to say.

Tomorrow you'll be going to school

- Dad

'What the-?', she whispered to herself as she swiped the message away. She felt this weird feeling in her stomach which she could not place immediately. Was she excited?

She had no ideas as she was still figuring out what all these feelings were in the first place. But school could be challenging and fun. At least, that's what she thought. She sighed and smiled. School meant peace, no more assignments. She put her bow on her back and shoved the black cloth back over her face. The night was still fresh and there were a lot of things to do.

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