Chapter 5

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Scarlett thought she was going to die. After the lecture Mr. Rogers gave to the class about criminality, the whole school had been pointing fingers at her. They called her names and wouldn't stop hanging around her. Just as she had predicted, the freshmen stayed on a distance, watching how Scarlett was tortured by the remembrance of the accident. And not to speak of the new girl following her around all the time. Since first class till lunchbreak, Kalea had been following her. She never said a word but with her outfit, she didn't have to. Scarlett knew this was someone she'd rather not get in touch with. You may never know when she would start talking about paranoid stuff or Japanese food. She decided to ignore her, to prevent all that crap. After lunchbreak, which Kalea had spent to sit in front of Scarlett and stare at her, she didn't seem to bother anymore about Scarlett.


Scarlett was never that great with making friends, and certainly not freaks like her.

Kalea, on the other hand, had enjoyed walking around Scarlett. Since she was the only person she knew the name of. Well, not her full name, but the only name she got. They were getting a lot of stares from people. Apparently, a rainbow tutu wasn't social acceptable. And they had an urge to hang around Scarlett for most of the time. They said things about her crime or her misdeeds.

She didn't really like everyone getting so close to them all at once, so after lunch she disappeared from Miss Wood's side. The rest of the day people left her alone, mostly. They still looked at her, sometimes called her names, but they weren't going near her. The last hours were quite boring, but Kalea managed to stay awake. After classes, she took her stuff and passed by her locker. A flyer was stuck to it but Kalea didn't pay it much attention until she closed the door.

Dance classes! Because dancers are made, not born.

A young girl in a blue outfit was pictured on the flyer. She wore her hair in a tight knot and stood on her tiptoes; performing some difficult dance position. She took the flyer from the locker and inspected it a little more. The dance classes were on Wednesdays, after school. She didn't know how, but the picture and the idea of dancing made her heart jump. She would definitely ask Raphael if she could go. 'Is the little toddler going to dance classes?'

With a shock in her body, Kalea turned around when she heard the voice behind her. With a flash, she hid the flyer behind her back and looked at the girl in awe. She didn't know what to say at the intimidating sight of this girl. She wore at least four layers of makeup and she wore a typical, trending outfit with high heels. Her hair was dark brown and on top of it were sunglasses placed. 'Looks like you skipped a few years of growing up, haven't you?', she asked when she took a judgemental look at Kalea. 'I mean, you look like a four-year old,' she continued. 'I will take that as a compliment,' Kalea answered. She'd actually wanted to comment on how she wasn't exactly 16 years old like any other, but telling people you're a lab experiment isn't the smartest thing to do. 'It wasn't meant as a compliment,' the girl answered with irritation in her voice. 'Who are you?', Kalea asked the girl. 'Eliza Roberts. And if you're not intending to die here, you'd better not make me mad,' she said threatening while she drew her face closer to Kalea's. But when Kalea was about to answer Eliza, she felt a tight grip on her arm. She looked at the girl who was furiously looking at Eliza. Her auburn hair fell halfway over her face and she wore a simple outfit of blue jeans, a black top and a green checked shirt. It was Miss Wood. 'Leave her alone,' she said with a sharp tone to her voice. She stared at Eliza while fire was dancing in her eyes. Eliza looked at Scarlett in surprise. Kalea didn't know what to do, but decided to do nothing because she didn't want to make things worse than they were. Than Eliza backed off and turned to Scarlett. 'You're going to be dead tomorrow, Scarlett Wood,' she whispered. After this she turned around and walked away. Scarlett watched her walk away, and when she was sure she wasn't coming back, she let go of Kalea's arm. 'Thank you,' Kalea said quietly while looking down at her feet. Scarlett looked at her in disgust. 'Just stay away from trouble freak,' she said with absolutely no feeling in her voice. She picked up her bag and walked away without further ado. Kalea was left alone in the hall with nothing but her bag and a flyer behind her back. She didn't know what to feel, what to think. Should she move, collapse on the ground or take out the knives in her bag and kill that Eliza girl? She had no idea. 

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