Chapter 17

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Felix heard distant whispering and felt his eyes burning with bright light shining through his eyelids. He felt that he was roughly tied to a wooden chair and sat extremely uncomfortable. 'What should we do with him?'

'He witnessed it all didn't he?', Raphael asked, 'eliminate him.'

Richard nodded in agreement but then opened his mouth again. 'But perhaps he knows something. Something that could lead us to August.'

'Fine, do whatever you want. I'll just- just be upstairs,' he said with a sigh.

'And the girls?', Richard asked.

'Just keep them where they are. I don't suppose any of them can do any harm in their position.'

After he said that he turned around and walked out of the room. Felix slowly opened his eyes but regretted it as soon as the bright lights illuminating the room almost made him go blind. He let out a small groan and sighed.

'Ah, speaking of the devil,' Richard said.

Felix couldn't really see Richard well, he just saw a big black spot. 'Where am I?', he asked. Richard smirked. 'You got quite the British accent there. What're you doing in America?', he asked. Felix blinked with his eyes and shook his head. 'Where am I?', Felix repeated. Richard silently turned away from Felix. Felix's eyes were finally getting used to the light as he saw how Richard walked towards a small table at the other side of the room. He also saw that this was the guy that would've picked up Kalea from school, Richard. As he was in the far distance, he looked far less intimidating than he had seemed at school, but Felix knew as soon as he would turn back to him, his presence would be terrifying for Felix. He heard a click coming from the table and soon after the room was filled with metal-rock music. Felix didn't recognize the band, but he was sure he'd heard this song on the radio before. A lump grew in Felix's throat when Richard turned back to him and grabbed hold of the wooden chair. 'Now,' Richard said with a mischievous look on his face, 'what can you tell me about August Wood?'


A great headache grew in Scarlett's head as she opened her eyes. The blood in her body had all streamed down to her head and Scarlett quickly concluded she hang upside down. Her mouth was sealed off with tape and she couldn't make a sound. The room around her was pitch black and she felt the gentle breath of someone else touching her cold cheeks. She wiggled around to feel how she was tied up and found out she was tied with ropes on her bare feet to her shoulders, making her arms unable to move. Her shoes had obviously run away. She tried to bend forward to stop her blood from streaming but collided into something or someone else, probably a body. Scarlett slowly started to swing her body forth and back in a hope she could somehow wake the unconscious person in front of her. Her body touched the other one but she quickly swung back.

She decided to do the thing she had always been the best in. She screamed.

She screamed through her nose and could produce just enough sound to get movement in the other body. Kalea before her groaned and slowly opened her eyes only to find darkness and the glowing eyes of someone staring at her. There wasn't much space for conversations since her mouth was taped off as well.

In a flash, all the lights in the room turned on and both girls pinched their eyes shut. They blinked a few times to get used to the light and immediately focused their attention to one another. This caused Scarlett to angrily wiggle around when finding out she was millimetres removed from the person who had only moments ago kicked her butt. Kalea stayed calm as Scarlett went on rampage. But she anxiously looked to her feet from time to time. Both of them were tied around the same wooden beam. And if Scarlett continued wiggling around, her weight would most certainly raise Kalea closer to the beam -since she was heavier than Kalea- which would cause a lot of pain.

'Two birds with one stone,' the low voice echoing the room said. Unfortunately, Kalea knew this voice too well. 'You'd say it was my lucky day.'

Raphael slowly walked up to Scarlett and bluntly ignored Kalea. Scarlett slowly stopped wiggling and Kalea sighed of relief. He stopped in front of Scarlett so that they faced each other. 'Welcome home,' Raphael whispered as he slowly and painfully ripped of the tape from Scarlett's mouth. As soon as it was removed, Scarlett spit in his face. 'This will never be my home,' she snapped angrily. 'My dad will come for me, just wait and see.'

Raphael pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the spit from his face. When he was done he looked at Scarlett and grinned. 'But he's never been your real dad, has he?', he questioned Scarlett who flinched. Was this the guy from the video tape? He looked a lot different; his facial hair was completely gone and his wild brown hair was now neatly combed with gel. His lab coat was replaced with a black tuxedo. This was Raphael. 'Talking about August, do you know where he is?'

Scarlett didn't answer and neither did Kalea. 'Even if I knew where he was, I wouldn't tell you,' Scarlett answered. Raphael nodded. 'Yes, my brother does have a talent of disappearing without a trace,' he said nonchalantly.

Before Scarlett could answer or process what he just said, Raphael turned to Kalea who still hang silently upside down and witnessed the family reunion. He ripped the tape of her mouth as well but she kept quiet as expected. 'You're weak,' was the only thing Raphael said to her before moving back to the door. 'Richard will be here soon when he's done with that friend of yours,' he said as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving the two fully trained agents alone. 

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