Chapter 4

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She saw how everyone was disappearing from outside the school and she hoped she really wasn't late. The limousine she was riding in stopped in front of the main entrance. Kalea opened the car door and quickly stepped outside. Immediately she noticed how everyone who were still left by the main entrance, were looking at her in surprise. She didn't know if she made a good first impression. You don't go to school every day in a limousine. Or it could have been for her messy bun which was held together by a soft-pink bow, or her white pineapple shirt with glitters, or her rainbow skirt which was so bright coloured, she must've made someone blind. She pulled out her bag of the car and waved the driver goodbye. The hot coffee in her hand spilled immediately after she took a walked up the steps and clumsy walked over her own feet. Luckily it wasn't on her clothes, but she did feel bad for the kids who wouldn't be able to hold their lunchbreaks on these steps. After this she ran onto the main entrance and entered.


The whole hall was empty and Kalea saw how still a few people tried to sneak into class without being seen. Some people weren't entering at all and were just messing around over some lockers or threw toilet paper throughout the hallways. It wasn't very much as she hoped it would be. There was a girl in the corner which was making out with a large boy. She had brown hair and wore a panther print dress. Absolutely horrifying to look at, really. But she needed to get her head out of the clouds, as she was supposed to be in class too. She had to go to the secretary, but where to find this person? She had no idea. First off, she didn't even know the way through the school. She was already having a hard time getting to know the way through her own house. 'You're new here, dear?', said a soft voice behind her. She almost jumped a meter from the ground and quickly looked behind her. A middle-aged woman stood in front of her. She wore a simple outfit of a yellow t-shirt with brown trousers. Kalea nodded softly and looked at the woman in confusion. She swore to god if she had her machine gun right now, she would've shot this woman a dozen times for scaring her so much. 'I'm the secretary so you must've looked for me, am I right?'

Kalea nodded again, too flustered and panicked to even say a word. She showed Kalea the way to her desk and sat down. 'What is your name, dear?', she asked with a gentle voice as she pulled out a folder of papers.

'Uhm, Kalea Addams,' she answered. The woman dropped down her finger on one of the papers and started searching for her name. Addams was Raphael's surname. He'd decided to give her his name because she was basically his daughter already. Suddenly the woman stopped halfway through. 'Ah yes, miss Addams. Please follow me, I'll show you the way to your classroom,' the woman said. 'Thank you,' Kalea mumbled under her breath as she once again followed the woman throughout the school. They stopped at a closed door which the woman opened without pardon. She turned towards Kalea. 'Stay here, will you?'

After this she walked into the classroom and started talking with the teacher who was lecturing about something. Kalea looked down at her feet and cursed. Her socks were covered in brown fluids. The coffee did dirty her clothes. Now her strawberry knee socks were ruined. The secretary walked back to Kalea and pushed her inside the classroom, where everybody looked at her. She knew it. She looked fabulous. It was a half-full classroom which was full of musical instruments and boxes. Kalea's jaw dropped down. She'd seen musical instruments, but not so many. And never, ever had she hold onto one. 'Children, this is Kalea Addams. She moved here from New York city and hopes she will find her place in Oakwood high. I'm Mr. Rogers your music teacher,' the teacher firmly said to the class. 'Hello Kalea,' the classroom said in choir. 'Hi!', Kalea responded while she pulled out a small wave. The New York city part was made up. Kalea had never actually set foot outside her home town, but she was basically only 2 months old.

'You can sit next to miss Wood, over there,' he said while he pointed to an empty table next to a tomboy-like girl. The girl had curly, auburn hair and bright forest green eyes. Even though her face was beautiful, her expression was cold as ice. Kalea walked up to her table and sat down. She smiled at the girl behind her but she didn't respond. With a disappointed look, Kalea turned back to Mr. Rogers. Maybe school wasn't as fantastic as Raphael said it would be.

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