Chapter 30

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The tension in the air grew thicker and thicker with every second and Kalea had already come up with 123 possible endings for this situation from which 119 would not end well for Felix and her both. The knife against her throat was pushed a little harder against her skin. She could feel the steel blade of the knife slowly cutting into her skin. If, by her calculations, she was right, the most likely way to get out of here was to listen to the woman; hear what she had to offer. 'Let me keep this simple for you,' the woman stated, stroking a tuft of brown hair behind her ear.

'Why should I listen to someone I don't know? Or worse, who puts a knife against my throat?', Kalea asked immediately. She wanted to know what this was about. And even though talking back wasn't the smartest thing to do right now, curiosity had already taken over her. 'I'm so sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Lorna Rose, the owner of this restaurant,' she smiled while saying it and even though Kalea was always happy to see someone smile, she could only be disgusted by the sight of it.

'So here is my offer,' Lorna said as she stepped closer toward Kalea, 'you tell me where I can find the other agent, Agent 1, and your boyfriend will live.'

'He's not my boyfriend,' Kalea exclaimed. Her cheeks grew a little redder but she quickly got rid of it. This wasn't a time to be flustered.

'Your friend will live. But only if you tell me where I can find the other agent.'

It suddenly hit Kalea what the offer was.

'What will you do to her when you find her?', Kalea asked.

'Kill her of course. Just like how I'm about to kill you.'

Kalea swallowed; she wasn't kidding.

'Why would you kill us?'

'Because I want to,' Lorna said as she grabbed Kalea's chin to get a better look at her. Kalea wanted to avoid looking into her eyes but after a while of staring she couldn't get lost more in her dark brown eyes.

Eyes that seemed so familiar somehow.

It was a hard choice. Even though she didn't really know Scarlett that well, betraying her was against everything she stood for. But could she leave Felix to die?

And how could she be sure she wouldn't kill Felix as well? What if it was all a bluff?

'So, what will it be?', Lorna said, releasing Kalea's chin and with an impatient tone to her voice. Her feelings were struggling with her brain.

Her mind told her to tell Lorna about Scarlett's whereabouts and deeply hope she wouldn't be there but her heart told her not to.

Eventually, after a moment of silence, Kalea lowered her head.

'I don't know the exact address, but we both go to Oakriver Highschool and her house is not too far away from there.'

She paused for a moment.

'Her name is Scarlett Wood.'

Lorna smiled and eyed to the waitress holding her and the person holding Felix to let go. Kalea rubbed her hand against the cut in her neck but didn't look away from the woman before her. She'd said she would kill Kalea after she'd given her information about Scarlett. Kalea was expecting something to happen, but instead Lorna called everybody in the restaurant to her and said they were all allowed to leave. Kalea was shaking, even though she didn't want to acknowledge it. It was just the three of them left in the restaurant and Kalea knew that at least one of them wouldn't make it out alive. Lorna made such a sudden move, that it almost surprised Kalea. She'd expected something to happen but the moment itself was unpredictable. Apparently, Lorna had received the knife the waitress was holding and hit with the backside of the knife against Kalea's temple. She'd wanted to dodge it, but she was too late. She was lying on the ground and heard Lorna walking to the door and leaving the restaurant. After that, the sound of a digital countdown echoed through Kalea's eardrums before everything went black.

Project X - Agents & Assassins [COMPLETE]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें