Chapter 29

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They had walked for quite a while but concluded after a while that they didn't want to go back to the group. To Thomas, August, Richard and Scarlett. If they'd show up on their doorstep they'd just find another babysitter and they were not really excited about that idea. The temperature was low but somehow neither of them felt cold, even though neither of them was wearing a coat. Most fall leaves had already fallen to the ground and a small breeze pulled the rest from their comfortable branches. It had only occurred to Kalea that she was still wearing her plain, grey sweater and only now started complaining about the color. Felix quietly listened. He liked it when Kalea talked and she liked it when he listened. After a while of hearing why the color grey was so despicable, Felix spoke up. 'If you hate that sweater so much, I could buy you a new one,' he suggested.

Kalea fell quiet by the sudden proposal. For all she knew that was the nicest thing anyone had ever suggested to her beside that time Richard made her an afternoon banana split. 'Do you have money for that?', Kalea asked, trying to hide her smile. Anything to get rid of the garbage she was wearing right now. 'I grabbed some money in the house. From Ethan's personal piggybank.'

Kalea laughed. She hadn't noticed he'd done that and was perplexed by his guts to do so.

Since they were in the city, clothing shops where surrounding them. Somehow, though the situation they were in was beyond happy, they were laughing the whole time as they shopped for new clothes. They even noticed people looked at them as if they were homeless because their clothes were so ragged. Kalea had picked out a simple outfit of a bright yellow sweater and dark blue dungarees where sunflowers were stitched on. After a while of their rabid behavior, Kalea even convinced Felix to try on a dress.

He didn't like that.

'I'm perfectly fine with what I'm wearing now,' Felix said as he stepped out of the fitting room and handed the dress over to Kalea who hung it back where she found it. And she couldn't protest. His clothes were still wearable and suited him. A simple outfit of a regale blue sweater with a white shirt underneath it. But it was only now, when she looked at him completely, she noticed he missed something. 'Where are your glasses?', she asked.

Felix shrugged his shoulders. 'Probably lost them. I didn't like them anyway.'

'Well, I liked your glasses. They suit you.'

Felix was surprised at the warmth Kalea brought him. Her voice, her crazy behavior.

Her smile.

'I'm starving,' he said. 'You want to go grab some food for lunch?'

'It's almost dinner time,' Kalea responded with a bright smile.

'Okay, then let's have dinch!', he laughed jokingly.

'What's dinch?', Kalea asked.

'You know, it's like the combination of lunch and dinner. Like the term of brunch.'

Kalea laughed and pushed her elbow in his side. 'Okay, let's have dinch.'

It was a very good timed call because now Kalea's stomach started to rumble too and restaurants were easily within reach.

Kalea suddenly gasped loudly and started pointing toward a certain cafeteria or restaurant. 'Can we go there?', she asked excitingly.

Felix got a closer look at the sign above the door.

Rosemary's pancake house

He nodded and smiled. For all he cared they stayed outside and ate food from the trashcans. He was starving. He needed to eat.

And so, to Kalea's greatest joy, they went to the pancake house. They both walked in, not noticing the looks they were getting from the people who were already seated and the people who were cooking. There weren't many people, just a handful. And perhaps, if they'd just paid more attention on their surroundings, they'd have noticed they didn't stop looking at them. They didn't even look at their own plates, just a dozen of fixating eyes on the two teenagers. A thin lady walked up to the duo and asked them if they wanted to order something. Her black hair was tidily pulled back in a ponytail and her face was almost doll-like. Almost surreal.

They both ordered the pancake of the day and a glass of coke.

'So, you're really not human?', Felix asked eventually after the lady had left. Kalea was surprised by the sudden question but understood his curiosity. She shook her head.

'As you saw on the television, I'm an artificial human created to do good to this world,' she said. 'I'm mostly the same from every other human, I think. I just didn't grow up and have loads of information stored in my head.'

Felix listened and believed her. Not many people would've believed her but somehow the whole situation was crazy as it was.

'And the fact that you're a skilled fighter?'

'Oh yeah,' she said, 'I guess that is to fight someone who's evil.'

It sounded so simple coming from her mouth and Felix almost believed it was. The lady came back with the pancakes and placed them on the table with the coke. She smiled at them and Kalea wanted to smile back. Until she saw that there was something wrong with her smile. Sure, the lady smiled but her eyes didn't. They looked at Felix and her with pure hatred. It was at this moment that Kalea looked around and saw everyone staring at her with the exact same smile. Their eyes full of hatred.

She looked back at the lady and saw now that she was holding something behind her back. Felix, who didn't notice of anything that was going on, happily dug in his pancakes and started eating. It was only after a few bites that he noticed the lady and Kalea were having some kind of staring competition. Kalea pulled her gaze from the lady and looked at Felix and then at his plate. 'You ate it?', she almost yelled, slamming his fork out of his hands. Felix wanted to protest but was interrupted by a great pain in his head. Kalea saw how Felix's expression went from confused to the expression of pure torture as his body suddenly collapsed and his head fell on top of his pancakes. As quick as she could she looked back at the lady who had pulled out the object from behind her back, a knife.

And if that wasn't bad enough, everyone stood up and pulled out a knife from their table.

She was surrounded.

While she stood in the middle of the restaurant with an unconscious Felix, a tall, middle aged woman walked up to her. She had brown, silk hair and a slim face. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black and if this situation hadn't occurred, Kalea would've called her beautiful. She wore an outfit of a white blouse and a black skirt. It crossed Kalea's mind to just run towards the door. To just run away from her surroundings. But then she remembered Felix; she couldn't leave him behind. Not now, not after all he'd done for her. The woman finally spoke up and to Kalea's surprise, it was higher than she expected. 'one.'

With the hearing of that one simple number, the waitress grabbed Kalea's hair and pulled her towards her; putting the knife on her throat. 'Agent 2,' the woman said as she nodded to another person in the restaurant who went to their table and put a knife of Felix's throat as well, 'I have an offer for you.'

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