Chapter 12

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Raphael was pacing through the living room while Kalea sat down on a leather bench. Her hands were between her knees and she held her head low. 'I don't know what to do with you Lea,' Raphael stated. 'I've trained you since you were born and I gave you a home. I did everything to make sure you would succeed at this mission and then you lose everything you worked for to a- a girl?!'

Kalea got a lump in her throat and tilted her head just to see that Raphael was looking her furiously in the eyes. 'I'm sorry,' she mumbled.

'I don't get that chip back with excuses!'

Kalea shivered and thought about what had happened. She had seen the girls' eyes but was so busy obtaining the griffon that she hadn't been paying attention to her face. All she'd seen was her bright auburn hair.

'I never should've made you,' Raphael cursed, 'taking agent 1 back would've been enough.'

'I know her hair colour,' Kalea mumbled as she sat straight. Raphael stopped pacing and looked at Kalea.

'Was it auburn?', Raphael asked. Kalea nodded, startled by the fact Raphael had guessed right immediately.

He sighed and put his head in his hands. 'I should've known. Of course, he would train her too.' Kalea was confused and looked distracted at her suddenly broken father.

After a long moment of silence Raphael silently broke it.

'This is all your fault,' he whispered angrily. Something changed in his face and expression. You could see hurt and anger. Kalea could see the flames in his eyes burning brighter than the sun, but kept her mouth shut to prevent any more damage.

All of a sudden Raphael marched towards Kalea and grabbed her tight by her arm. Kalea let out a sudden scream of pain and surprise and was dragged along through the house by Raphael. In the hallway, he opened the cellar door and threw Kalea in. Kalea didn't see anything since the door closed out every source of light in the cellar. All she felt, was the pain of her crashing down the stairway. Hearing her head crack and her hands being unable to catch her made Kalea sick. She closed her eyes tight and felt how a sharp rock hit something on her face.

It stopped.

She was now lying on a cold, stone floor with no one to turn to. Not to think of the fact that she could literally see nothing.

'You'll know where I want her put, Richard!'

The faint voice of her father echoed from the staircase and reached her with a stimulating tone. Kalea tried to open her eyes, but felt a fierce sting emerging from them. She heard how someone approached and gently tilted her back so he'd be able to carry her in his arms. Her throat felt dry and sharp but got out a simple; 'Richard?'

'I'm here,' he answered, 'but don't expect any niceties from me this time Lea, you know how your dad thinks about that.'

A hush came down on them both and Kalea heard the ear-splitting sound of metal door opening with a loud crack. Richard lay down Kalea's body, silently walked away and shut the door behind him therefore causing Kalea to be locked up. She felt how a warm liquid poured down from her nose and found the strength to wipe it off with her hands. It was blood, she knew that for sure. But later on she noticed that it wasn't just her nose that was bleeding; there was blood on her hands and on her mouth. Not only the bleeding was painful, she was sure that by now she'd already had bruises covering her body from the hard fall down the stairs. She was just scared to move, or she could've confirmed if she'd broken anything. Even the beating of her heart caused indescribable pain in her chest and for a moment she was afraid.

Afraid to breathe.

Tears started rolling over her bloodstained face. This was what she deserved. She was a failure; made to replace the perfect sample.

Of course, she'd never be as good as Agent 1. She'd never have that much skill and flexibility in her moves. It felt as if her heart throbbed out of her chest and her eyelids started feeling heavy. The last thing she heard was the sound, no a whisper slowly echoing through the empty and dark walls of her prison. She didn't have the strength nor the willpower to listen what it had to say but she swore it sounded like an apology.

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