Chapter 33

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The car trip didn't last for long and Kalea's feet didn't get any time to rest themselves down. Her eyes were starting to itch as she grew more tired by the minute. Even Scarlett had to admit she missed her father. Like he said, anything was possible and she grew nervous as she thought back to what he'd said. And then there was Richard.

He was all in for this mission and couldn't wait to grab the information and take it out of Raphael's hands. They parked the car about a block away from the mansion and walked to the gate of the backyard. Kalea couldn't help but jump at any possible moment and was every single time blown away by the sound-absorbing boots. Scarlett thought everything around the building would be highly secured, but instead was surprised by the fact that the gate wasn't even locked. Richard was the first to walk into the garden but nearly jumped up when a voice echoed through his ears.

'Wow! This is awesome! Richard, can you hear me?'

Richard looked at the two girls who had no idea what was going on. 'Yeah, but- but you're not Thomas, are you?', he whispered softly. Kalea gave a small nod and turned towards Scarlett, who'd never worked with the highly advanced glasses before. 'He's talking through his glasses,' she explained. Scarlett shrugged her shoulders. It was all fine by her, she was just eager to get inside. The voice continued.

'No, no, it's me! Felix!', Felix said. Thomas had placed him behind the computers, ignoring all of Augusts warnings that he might mess the mission up. Felix was more than happy to help and he had Thomas by his side to tell him how everything worked and to help him.

'Not so loud,' Richard whispered, 'my ears will die.'

'Okay, okay, sorry. It's just that- All of this, and you guys- Wow.'

'Yeah, you done fangirling? We have a mission to complete.'

'Yeah, sorry.' Felix took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. 'There are 12 cameras in the garden, Thomas is hacking into the system right now. We can't disable them all at once, because that will look suspicious. But they rotate, so we can use that to our advantage. We have to make you move at the exact moment they don't look at you, so I'll be guiding you through the garden while Thomas tries his best to rotate them away from you.'

Richard nodded and beckoned Scarlett and Kalea to follow him.

Felix had a good view over the garden through the cameras. There were several hedges, trees and one big fountain in the middle. It was a typical, aristocratic garden with overload of class. 'Okay, so at the beginning you have to walk toward that bald tree to your right. Oh, and it's best if you stay low.'

Richard followed the instructions Felix gave him. He didn't like that he was commanding him around the garden, but concluded that that wasn't the most important case right now. The crouched toward the tree and waited. There wasn't a single sound except for their breaths. 'Okay, as you can see there is a path in front of you that could lead immediately towards the house. But the only problem is that there is a camera there that straightly looks down on the path. You can't avoid that one, so I'll guide you around it.'

Felix led them through the garden, more swiftly than any of them could have imagined. The mansion wasn't too far away now and Scarlett could almost taste those hidden documents. 'Okay, if I'm right you should be able to crouch towards the door now-'

The three of them were almost crouching toward the door when Felix suddenly screamed. 'No! Sorry! No! You can't!'

Richard gestured to the girls that they needed to stop. He heard Felix talking to someone in his glasses as he wondered what was wrong. 'There's a camera there,' Felix said softly but still panicked, 'a big one. There isn't any way to reach the door without being seen. Thomas is trying to disactivate it, but the there's this huge wall of security programming around it. He's not sure if he can hack through it.'

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