Yukino's Lonely Heart

Start bij het begin

"Really? is it that bad when you're trying to master Dragon magic?"

I nodded my head and then Rin spoke up.

"She's right, without the proper knowledge and training to master some of the Dragon magic, there's a chance that you might get infected by their magic or you might become one of them."

Kerry was shocked when I said this and she then said to me.

"Boy, I'm glad that you're nothing like them."

"Yeah me too, anyway, enough talk about the magic games, I've got some homework that needs working on."

"I'll give you hand."

Kerry said as she sat beside me and then we worked on our homework.


We were in the middle of Vincent's class and he was teaching us about defence magic but, Yukino and I yawned as he was talking. Yukiya whispered in my ear.

"Have the two of you gotten along yet?"

"Nope, we're still at each other's throats."

I whispered back which made Yukino glare at us. I glared back at Yukino and then sparks flew between us. Vincent looked at us and he then said to us.

"Before we begin with the elemental umbras, Keira and Yukino! don't even think about going at each other's throats, understand?"

We continued to glare at one another before I spoke up.

"We're not promising anything but, we'll try."

"Hmpf, whatever."

Yukino said as she looked away from me with a fuff on her face. I shook my head and then Vincent released the elemental umbras that he invented and then some of the students began to attack them. One of the elemental umbras ran over to and the colour of it is blue, meaning water. I smirked at it and I mumbled.

"Water huh? this outa deal with it."

I tapped my heel and then the blue umbra froze on the spot and then it crumbled to pieces. Vincent shook his head and he then said to me.

"Lazy bum."


I said with a smirk and then another umbra ran over to me and this time this one was red meaning fire. I was about to unsheathe Frostguard until Yukino shouted.

"Come forth Zodiac of the Archer! Sagittarius!!"

I looked at Yukino and then Sagittarius drew back some of his arrows and then he fires them at the umbra. The students were shocked and surprised by this until three of the arrows came at me. I jumped away in time and then they landed on the ground. I glared at Yukino and I shouted.

"Not me! the umbras!!"

"Shut up!!"

Yukino shouted and then she summoned Taurus and then he starts to attack the umbras. Elias came over to me and he said to me.

"Your sister is getting out of control, can't you or Vincent do something?"

"Don't you think we've already tried reasoning with her?!"

Suddenly, Taurus charged at me with his large axe at the ready and I then used Frostguard to transform into my flight leopard armour to dodge his attack in time. Once he missed, Sagittarius had his arrows drawn and right when he was about to fire, Hakko shouted.

"That's enough Yukino! Libra come forth now!!"

Hakko summoned Libra and then she used her gravity change spell on Yukino's Zodiac spirits. I sighed in relief and then Vincent frowned at her.

Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's BeginningWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu