23: Band-Aid

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I can't begin to understand the way you feel. It might just take a little time for your heart to heal. And girl I know that I can't take away your pain, But I could be your band-aid - Mindless Behavior

 And girl I know that I can't take away your pain, But I could be your band-aid - Mindless Behavior

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*Emon Ricciardi*

My eyes snap open to the sounds of a loud vacuum outside the guest room door. I looked around seeing what time it was. It was after noon and I had been sleeping this entire time. I ended up coming to my Mom's house after a long day at work. I remember playing with the boy's the sleep found me. Next thing I know I am waking up in her guest room. I still had on my work pants just not my shirt. I sit up on the bed wiping sleep from my eyes. I don't understand why people choose to clean up while you are sleeping...

I walk out of the room seeing Mom vacuuming the hallway. I walk into the bathroom so I could relieve the pressure on my bladder. After I do that I walk towards my boys' room. I open up their door seeing neither of them in sight. I know for a fact I played with them for a bit last night. Mom was now in her room cleaning. I walk down the hall going to ask her about where they went. I knock on the door announcing myself.

" Hey, Sleepyhead. " She smiles turning off the vacuum.

" Hey, Mama. " I walk to sit on her bed. " Where did Erin and Eric go? "

" Iyesha's Mother came and got them last night after you fell asleep. " She says.

" Oh. " I nod. " Did you play nice? " I ask, knowing how her and my mother don't care too much for each other.

" I let her stand outside in the cold while I got the boys ready. She wasn't coming up in here. The boys didn't want to go, but she said they were going to take a family photo. " She explained.

" I hear you. " I respond pulling out my phone to text Tristian and see how his day is going. She walks past me to go sit in her chair near the mirror. She began to curl and comb her hair as I watched her with boredom. In my mind, I was trying to figure out how was I going to break it to her that Iyesha was pregnant again.

" What's wrong Son? " She asks, staring at me in the mirror.

" Nothing. Why do you ask? " I respond.

" You've been sitting right there staring into space for a minute. I can tell you're in deep thought about something. What's on your mind? "

" I'm okay Ma. "

" You think I don't know my own child? I won't ask you again. Last chance to talk about it... "

" I don't really know how to tell you this... " I rub the back of my neck.

" If it's about you and that boy Emon we have already had this discussion. As long as you are happy then that's all that matters. It's your life... "

" It's not him... " I stop her. " It's about Iyesha. "

Her face twists into a scowl as she turns back to the mirror. " What has mop head done now? "

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