Virgil didn't let go of the tiger as he fell asleep on his bed, finally calming down.

After "A New Year of Lying to Myself... In Song!"

"I triumph again over you, Anxiety!" Princey exclaimed as they made it back to the Mind Palace. "With the help of you two of course!"

Morality frowned as Virgil fled the room, following him. "Hey, Anxiety?" he said as he caught up with him in the hallway. He looked up, looking confused and annoyed. "Are you okay? You look upset, and I'm sorry about Princey. His ego is so big it could knock over the Great Wall of China!"

He laughed a little, feeling joy surge through him as the anxious Side smirked a little in amusement. "Thanks Morality, I'm alright," he said, feeling a little bit of hope in his chest. He nodded with a smile as he turned and headed back to the common room. Virgil's smile fell as he entered his room, but returned when he saw Tiger on the bed. 

"Hey Tiger, I think Morality likes me at least," he said as he sat down with it. "I know you're just a stuffed animal, and that I'm literally talking to myself, but it's comforting I guess..."

Tiger, of course, didn't respond, not that Virgil minded. He frowned as he thought about the other. "I'm pretty sure Princey hates my guts though..."

After "The Dark Side of Disney"

Princey and Virgil returned to the Mind Palace, staring at each other for moment. "I- I didn't know you liked Disney..." the prince commented, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," he replied, looking away as he started for his room. "You never bothered to ask."

He missed the way his eyes widened with guilt as he left. Today, Virgil's chest felt a little lighter. When he sat down to talk to Tiger that day, he wasn't crying or as upset as usual. "Hey, I think Princey might not hate me anymore," he said as he hugged him happily. "We both like Disney! He still doesn't like me, but we have something in common."

After "Alone on Valentine's Day"

When the four of them appeared back into the Mind Palace, two of them smirking and two of them blushing furiously. "Morality, I hate you," Princey said as he giggled. "Why would you make me hold hands with him!??"

"Because you two are adorable together, and you also need to get along?" Morality replied with a smile. 

Logic nodded in agreement as the two Sides in question blushed even more. "Agreed, you two argue more than the two of us do now after that video where Thomas had us work on compromising," he explained. "You two should really learn to work together. You go hand in hand, you know."

The two of them left before either of them could ask what Logic meant. They met each other's eyes before Prince cleared his throat and left. Virgil retreated back to his room, blushing furiously as he sat down to hug Tiger. 

"I-I held hands with Princey," he said, smiling a little. "I think he still doesn't like me, but I kinda... like him..."

After "Losing My Motivation"

"Anxiety, I believe I owe you an apology for assuming you were at fault," Logan said as he straightened his glasses. Virgil looked at him in surprise, eyes of the other two widening. "I jumped to a conclusion, you're right when you said you're not always the bad guy."

"T-Thank you, Logan," he replied, smiling. 

The logical Side returned it with a nod as he left being trailed by Morality. Prince stared at him, looking down at his clenched fists as he turned away. "I'm still not sure..." he muttered to himself. Virgil caught it thought, face falling as he headed back to his room.

"Hey Tiger, I think Logan might be okay with me," he told the tiger plush with a small smile. "Princey still doesn't like me though..."

After "Am I Original?"

Virgil was biting his lips to keep from breaking down in front of the others. Roman was looking so proud of himself as the other Sides complimented him on his efforts and reassured him of his worth.

Defeatist, the anxious Side thought as he turned and hurried away from them. He closed the door rather harshly though not intending to. 

"I guess I was wrong," he told Tiger as he sat down on the bed. "So much for Logan being my friend."

After "My Negative Thinking"

The anxious Side's eyes were wide as he smiled to himself. "Thank you, Logan," he said quietly, earning a slightly shocked look from the logical Side.

"Of course, you're a Side and I consider you my friend though we might bicker," he said with a smile. "Besides, you and I get into conflict a lot less frequently than either of us do with Roman."

Virgil nodded in understanding as he head to his room. Once inside, he hugged Tiger happily. "He is my friend!"

After "Accepting Anxiety Parts 1 & 2"

Once the four of them reached the Mind, and Patton and Logan had made their ways to their rooms, Virgil was about to head to his when the prince behind him spoke up. "Virgil, wait."

He turned around in shock, and then gasped as two arms held him close in a hug. "I'm sorry," Roman murmured as Virgil's face warmed. "I'm sorry for treating you the way I did, and I hope that you can forgive me. Thank you for rescuing me back there."

"N-No problem, Roman," the anxious Side replied, tearing up with joy. The prince smiled at him as they pulled away, briefly moving to touch his cheek with his hand before heading for his room. Once he was certain the prince wasn't in the hallway, Virgil raced back to his room and hugged Tiger as he spun around. "He doesn't hate me! He actually likes me!"

He jumped as there was a knock at the door, squeaking in surprise. "W-Who is it?" he asked shakily as his heart raced. Roman opened the door, raising an eyebrow. "Y-Yes?"

"The walls are thin, and my room is right next to yours," he said as he entered his room with a smirk. Virgil's face flushed bright red as he hid his face. "Who are you talking to anyway?" 

The anxious Side looked down at the tiger and quickly hid it behind his back. "N-No one!" 

Roman had seen the tiger, smirking as he chuckled. "Come on, that's a lie, what are you hiding?" he said, chasing Virgil around the room. They finally tripped onto the bed, the prince pinning him as he took the tiger from him. "Aww! Who's this?"

"T-That's Tiger," he replied softly, looking down with embarrassment. "He was on my bed when I first arrived here, and he's been my best friend and comfort object ever since..."

The prince's smiled widened. "That is... literally adorable," he said. "May I hug him?"

Virgil flushed, nodding. Roman squeezed the tiger and then started talking. "Thank you for taking care of our Virgil when we were still learning to accept him," he said, talking to Tiger though he met the anxious Side's wide eyes. He pulled away from hugging the plush and gave it back to Virgil. The prince smile at the way he stared at him in shock, chuckling a little. "It was a pleasure to meet Tiger." 

He stood up and started to head to the door, but stopped. Roman smirked as he turned back and approached Virgil. He swiftly leaned down and kissed him gently on the cheek. "And a pleasure to get to know you a little more, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance."

With that, the prince left, leaving Virgil to squeeze Tiger as he blushed and tried to contain his giggles. "Did you see that Tiger? He likes me," he whispered. 

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें