Coming closer to the bumping structure, you noticed the one person you came to see immediately. Your eyes caught sight of Grayson out front, a bottle of alcohol in his hand as he sat on the porch swing.

No one else was around, except you.

He hadn't noticed you yet, but if he was really as drunk as Maddie said he was- it wouldn't matter. He was in his own intoxicated world filled with joints, bottles, and tramps.

"Grayson" you ask as you walk up the porch stairs to stop at the last one. Your hand gently rests on the chilled banister just before he lifts his head to drunkenly observe you.

"What the hell do you want" he spits bitterly, almost like you had on the phone call with Maddie. Although, he was much more pissed off.

"I came to talk to you."

"Yeah?" He laughs with anger dripping from his lips. "Go talk to Ethan."

You sigh and swallow your fear, walking up the last stair, crossing the porch to sit on the moving swing with Grayson. "Leave me alone."

You shake your head and glance at the bottle in his hand, 99 proof vodka. "Gray" you hoped your sweet voice was enough to coax him out of drinking any more of the toxic liquid, "give me the bottle."

He stood up abruptly, chucking the bottle into the street where it shattered to millions of pieces. His body language was raging with anger as he bent to your level and yelled, "i didn't fucking ask for you to come here!"

This side of Grayson scared the hell out of you. "No one asked you to bring your skanky ass here to ruin my fucking night, okay?" He didn't yell that time, which is what made it hurt even more. His words sounded sincere, and it hurt badly.


"No." He dismisses, running his hand through his hair before dropping his hands to his sides, "you had to know how i felt about you. I told you countless times how beautiful i think you are, right?" He rambles, the drunken thoughts falling off his tongue. "And yet you still didn't see it."

There was a moment of silence, except it was white noise with the partying in the background. "You know what- go find someone else to fuck with. I'm done." Grayson opens the front door to the house and loses himself inside, grabbing another bottle of liquor to nurse all night.

"Fuck" you whisper. You drop your head shamefully into your hands and let a fee tears fall as you realize you lost a very good guy in your life.

Ethan's POV

There was no reason for me to be here. Grayson wasn't even outside.

There was just some girl on the porch with her head in her hands.

The house was obnoxiously loud with music and people, even i could hear it from across the street inside my car. But the text said 'come get me' from Grayson, so here i am.

I slowly get out of my car and tuck my keys into my pocket. The door shuts a little loudly, but i doubt anyone would mind a car door more than a loud house of teens and college kids.

"Um, excuse me" i ask the girl outside, wondering if she knew Grayson, or if she knew where i could find him.

As soon as her head lifted, i felt my heart hammer in my chest, "Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?"

Her eyes were red and puffy. She tried wiping her wet eyes with her hands, but all they did was smear the little bit of mascara she had on. Either way, i couldn't find words to speak to her.

The closer i got to her, the more frantic she seemed. "It's nothing- i should go home" she suggests before standing up, trying to move passed me as quick as possible.

I was blocking the stairs already, so there was nowhere for her to go. "Ethan" she says oh so gently, like she could break at any moment like a falling fine china doll. "Please move."

Seeing her cry made my heart bleed for her, and pound harder than ever. I hated seeing her like this. "Tell me what's wrong, baby."

She just silently stares at the ground ahead of her. Another tear falls and i don't hesitate to wipe it away with the sleeve of my jacket. A barely audible sniffle comes from her nose and she tucks her hair back, "Grayson's inside, and totally wasted so maybe you should-"


The soft brokenness of her eyes made me give in, "let me take you home."

"Ethan, i live four blocks from here."

I shook my head lightly, obviously not making myself clear enough, "uh-uh, babygirl." She visibly shivers, "my home."

Word count: 1359

Teach Me || Ethan Dolan (MATURE 18+)Where stories live. Discover now