You Pass Out

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 A/N:  This is my first preference so I hope you like it!

Warning: Swearing


Standing for too long

As excited as you were to watch the concert, it seemed to be dragging on tonight. You had been standing for what felt like forever, not to mention you had been out and about with Luke all day.

The boys were playing Jet Black Heart. After that they would sing two more songs and then be done with the concert for that day. You wanted to sit down but couldn't see the stage from where the couch was positioned so you just decided to suck it up and keep standing. 

After Jet Black Heart finished the boys moved on to their next song, and you started to feel a little dizzy. Without realizing it, you started to say a little. A crew member noticed and came to check on you.

"Y/N, Are you feeling okay? You look pretty pale." She said.

"Yeah, I feel fine." You lie, not wanting her to worry about you.

"You sure? You don't look that great."

"I'm fi..." You start to say before you pass out.

"Crap!" She exclaimed as you fell backward. Another crew member sees you fall, and rushes over to help.

"Don't tell Luke. He needs to keep preforming." He said. "Y/N. Y/N, wake up." He said while the woman shook your shoulders in an attempt to wake you up before Luke noticed. Both of the crew members sighed in relief when you stared to wake up.

"What in the world happened?" You ask, a dazed look in your eyes.

"You passed out." The man states. 

"Are the boys still performing?" You ask, unsure if Luke had noticed yet.

"Yes. They are on their last song. When they finish we'll let Luke take care of you. Let's get you to the couch so you can lay down. " The woman tells you, helping you over to the couch. 

The last song finally ends and Luke comes backstage, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion as to why you were on the couch. 

"Babe, what happened to you? I though you were watching the concert." He says, confusion covering his face.

"I was," You say, rubbing your hand over your arm out of nervous habit.  "but then I passed out and some of the crew members made me come over here while we waited for you to finish."

"Why didn't they tell me? I need to take care of you!"

"They wanted you to finish the concert. There was only one song left when it happened. I'm fine, so stop worrying."

"Alright. Let me grab my stuff and then we can head home." Luke says, leaning down to give you a kiss.

"Okay." You reply as you kiss him back. 


Not eating

It had been a busy day for you and Calum. Calum had to go to the studio and run some errands while he was out. You were stuck at home all day due to your job. You were are patent lawyer and worked from home. The deadline for your client's patent was coming soon and you had worked all day to finish it. Looking up at the clock you realized that it was 5:15, meaning that Calum would be home soon so you decided to start dinner. 

Grabbing some spaghetti noodles and a pot, you heard your husband come into your apartment. Putting some water in the pot and putting it on the stove, you turn around and see Calum.

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