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Wrote this at 12:32am I hope it's half decent. I watched The Fault in Our Stars yesterday and I balled for most of the movie :")


t  w  e  l  v  e

Katniss' pov

' He's going to survive. ' I am still trying to process the words through my head, while Rory is jumping around.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" he screams, getting a few glares from the people passing by.

"Thank you so much you miracle worker!" He hugs the surprised nurse. I laugh.

"So when can we see him?" I ask her.

"Oh I think you can right now, but I think he fell back asleep." She opens the door to Gale's room and we walk in. On the bed is a more cleaned up Gale than the last time I saw him.

His bruises are still showing but the strong, purple colour has dyed down slightly. His face is less swollen, but with an addition of a large stitch across the whole left side of his face. His eyes are rested shut and his mouth is slightly smiling, making him look quite calm and peaceful.

I sit down on the visitors chair and hold his hand in mine. Rory stands up on the opposite side of the bed.

"You made it Gale; you survived," I whisper, stroking my fingers through his over-grown hair.

"Mmm.. " Gale mutters something in his sleep, slightly twitching.

I never thought that we would end up like this-Gale half dead and Finnick and Joanna critically injured. Rory getting stabbed, and me-well nothing has happened to me. That's why it's so frustrating, because everyone that means so much to me is getting injured all the time and it's all because of me. I feel that it's my fault, but I can't do anything to help. Uggh.

"Hey are you okay?" I focus back on Rory.

"Yea I'm fine just zoned out for a second," I reply.

He gives me a confused look.
"More like 10 minutes," he smiles, shaking his head.

10 minutes? Jeez.
"Mm, C-Catnip." I look down and see Gale smiling up at me.

"Hey Gale," I smile back at him. I lean down and kiss him on the lips, lingering a bit longer than usual. I hear a cough behind me.

"Ehem sorry to break up the moment but I'd rather not have to throw up on you guys." Rory fake gags. Gale and I laugh.

"Come here bro." Gale stretches out his arms and Rory envelopes himself in them.

"We were so worried about you," Rory mumbles.

"It's okay now, I'm all good." Gale hugs him tighter, patting his back. "I'm okay now."

They finally let each other go and Rory stood back, wiping away a stray tear from his eye.

"I don't think we could live without you Gale," I whisper, squeezing his hand tight.

He gazes up at me and whispers back. "I fought for you because I didn't want to leave you, and because I Iove you." He brings my hand up and kisses it.

"I love you too." I smile, gazing into his sparkling eyes.

"I'l go get some water," Rory grumbles and runs our of the room, shutting the door. Gale chuckles.


Gale's pov

Rory shuts the door and I gaze up at Katniss. My beautiful, strong Catnip who now looks like she's completely fallen apart. She has big, dark circles under her eyes and her face is blotchy from crying. Her lips are cracked and her skin looks dirty, like she hasn't had a shower in ages. Her beautiful, brown hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail, but it looks like she threw herself out of bed.

'You look like you have had a rough time," I whisper to her.

"Yea well that's what happens when the most important person in my life was dying in front of my eyes," she chuckles, rubbing her eyes. I pull her closer to me so the she has to sit on my bed, and I move the sheets so that she can climb in.

"Get in." I pull her arm and she climbs in, snuggling against my arm. We sit in silence for hours, just enjoying the comfort of holding each other in our arms. Every touch and kiss we savour, like it's going to be our last.

"I love you so much Gale, so so much," she whispers before slowly closing her eyes.

"I love you too Catnip, so so much," I whisper back, stroking her pale cheek.

"Forever and always, yours."


Okay I have to admit this is quite a shitty update but ive just been so busy so im surprised I even found the time to write this hahaha

This chapter is shorter than my other ones becuase I wanted the whole 'Katniss and Gale scene' to finish the chapter so sorry about that.

kat xx

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