Season 9, Ep 7&8

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"He's up for parole." Brooke sighed, "Xavier."

"How is that even possible? He murdered Q."

"He was never convicted of that... just kidnapping and assault. He wants to see me before his hearing."

"No way!" I replied instantly, seeing Brooke's look, "Brooke, there is no way in hell that you can see him."

"I think I should."

"But why?"

"I wanna look into his eyes and see if he's changed, Tobin."

I sighed and watched her pull out some pictures and took a spot on the stairs.

"I don't want you to see him." I sighed, stepping in front of her.

"And I don't want you helping Dan," she pouted, "But it's something we feel we have to do, and I have to do this."

"Just help me understand why, babe? Why would you want to revisit that place again?"

She looked down at the pictures and up to me again, "I want to believe in forgiveness and know that I have the capacity of doing it."

"Some things are unforgiveable."

"I can forgive my part, but not Q's." She sighed, looking into my eyes. "I have to do this."

"Not 'I'" I replied, taking a tight hold onto her hands, "WE have to do this, right? You and me."

She nodded and let a small smile grow onto her face as I placed a kiss to her lips. Her eyes locked with mine immediately afterwards, and she still had a smile.

"We." She replied.


"Do you think I'm a bad person for what I said?" Brooke spoke, breaking the silence.

"Actually, I think you're a great person for what you said. You were so strong while you spoke, and beautiful obviously. It made me fall for you all over again."

"Well, I couldn't have done it without you... either time." She smirked, laying her head onto my shoulder as I drove, "You don't think they'll let him out?"

I just sighed and shook my head. I actually had no idea if they would or not. I could hope and pray for them not to, but that would only go so far. Time would tell.


I was bringing a box up front when Brooke pointed to a customer in a booth. I set the box down and felt the rage boil in my veins. I clenched my jaw to calm myself enough not to beat his ass right here and now.

"Alright, come on, let's go." I said sternly.

"I'm not done yet." He scoffed.

"And I don't care." I snapped, grabbing him by his collar.

I dragged him outside and shoved him away from me, "Now leave before I knock you out."

"I wasn't doing anything wrong! I just wanted some cherry pie."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I made myself clear." I snapped and shoved his body against the wall, "If you come near my family again, I will make SURE that going back to prison will be the LEAST of your worries."

I stood by the door a bit to make sure he left, and he eventually did. My thoughts ended when I felt hands on my arm and turned to see Brooke. She had a small smirk, and embraced me into a hug. Our moment ended when she got a call from Haley, and I told her to go.

"What about you?"

"I have a meeting with Dan."


"So, what's the plan?" I sighed, nervous.

"Have a conversation."

"Oh, like you did with the other guy? Look around, Dan! He PROBABLY has a gun, and he has all of those friends with him." I yelled.

"Then what do you want us to do!"

"All I am saying is we should think of a better plan now that we know where he is, okay?" I pleaded, "What do you think will happen when they make a call about Dan Scott looking around with questions."


We were back at the trailer, looking over every paper and note that we had. Our thoughts stopped when the door opened, and I locked eyes with the other person.

"Haley?" I said.

"Tell me what you know." she demanded, closing the door behind her.

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