Part 29

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HEY GUYS!!! I am sorry it has been a day or so... I was super tired the other night after work so I didn't update, I apologize.

Anyway! Now that there's more happening I will slowly be changing things and twisting them... as if I already haven't. hehe(:



A few days had passed since the wedding... since I had seen Olivia. There was no drama because Haley jumped down Olivia's throat before anyone even noticed she was there! Now, I got breakfast ready with my beautiful wife.

"So, any word from mother dearest?" Brooke said, raising an eyebrow.

"Ha ha, very funny. At least we have SOMETHING in common." I winked, making a joke about her mother.

She pursed her lips, "Sam, breakfast!"

I laughed but Sam didn't come out, so, we had to get her out... again. At first, when Brooke opened the door I figured she wasn't in there again. That was until Brooke dragged a boy out and threw him out the door and then pulled Sam into the kitchen.

"You let a boy stay here... in YOUR room, in OUR house." Brooke shouted.

"Nothing happened, okay? Look, he's my friend... and his brother beats on him sometimes so he stayed here." Sam explained.

"He couldn't sleep on the couch?" I asked, getting a nod of agreement from Brooke, "What's this boy's name?"

"Jack Daniels... Well, John or Jack, Daniels."

"Okay," Brooke sighed, "Just tell us next time! I'm gonna go do something..." Brooke mumbled and stormed off.

"Better go calm her down!" Sam winked.

I couldn't help but let a grin grow on my face, "And you better not have anymore boys in your room... got it?" I said, walking to go hunt down Brooke.

"How could we not notice!" Brooke sighed, brushing a hand through her hair.

"Baby, come on, they didn't do anything!" I smirked, wrapping my arms around her, "Be distracted by your HUSBAND."

"Mmm, I could definitely do that." She smiled and leaned in for a kiss, "Except, I have windows to barricade AND I have to go work on my new line! What are your plans today?"

I sighed, looking around the room. "Toby, come on, what is it?"

"I'm gonna go see my dad..." I said, getting a reassuring hug from her.


"Hey dad..." I sighed, kneeling down and placing a hand on the grave, "You were right, I got Brooke! We got married." I smiled, playing with my wedding band. "We took in this teenage girl, too, and she has completely changed our lives... We want her to stay with us but, I guess time will tell on that one too."

I rubbed the grave gently, tracing his name over with my fingertips, "I really miss you... There was so much we didn't get to do or talk about, and I just wish you could have been there. Wish you could be here..."

I heard branches crack under footsteps behind me, "You changed our lives, you know that?" I turned to see Jackson standing.

"And where have you been?" I snapped, rising from the ground.

"Around..." He sighed, playing with the ground, "Heard mom crashed your big day with Brooke."

I nodded, "Yeah... but at least she showed." I stormed off.


I walked into the house seeing Sam going through our old yearbook.

"Brooke was kinda slutty in high school, wasn't she?" Sam asked.

"Excuse me?" Brooke said, closing the door behind her.

"That's why you acted all weird this morning!" Sam smirked.

"Look, if you think I have been really closed off lately..." She started, standing close to me, "It's because I was attacked in my store. Even with Toby sometimes..." Brooke admitted.

"Oh my god... Brooke, did he...?" Sam went to ask, but Brooke shook her head no.

"Yes, I slept around a lot when I was your age... and I wish I could take it all back." Brooke sighed.

"What about you Toby?" Sam nudged, "Who did you get around with... other than Brooke?"

"Hmm, lets see..." I said, sharing a smirk with Brooke. "Just Brooke!"

Sam gaped her mouth open, "You haven't slept with ANYONE... except Brooke?"

I nodded and then laughed at myself, "Better close that." I smirked, heading out.


I took a seat besides Brooke at the talent show, knowing that we hadn't talked about my visit with Carter.

"Everything okay?" Brooke asked, squeezing my hand.

I just replied with a nod, just as Jamie made his way out wearing a tux.

"So cute!" Brooke squealed.

"Taking after his uncle!" I smirked, getting an eye roll in return.

He played the piano, however, he stopped every now and then to tell a joke.

"Last week, my momma asked if I liked going to school, I said not as much as I like coming home from it!"

I breathed out a laugh and watched him continue, "And now for the big finish!"

He finished playing, bowed, and headed off the stage. Brooke hadn't smile that way in a long time, and I didn't need to know why. Obviously, it was because she loved Jamie... but there was something deeper. Something like having her own child to go to their talent shows.


Brooke and I sat at home, just talking about whatever we could think of. That was until Sam walked in with tears pouring down her face.

"Sam, sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I said some bad things about you..." She cried, directing this towards Brooke, "I didn't mean them..."

"Honey, I don't understand." Brooke sighed.

"Sam, what's going on?" I said, taking a step towards her.

"No, don't! Please... don't." She cried, pulling out Brooke's designs and placing them onto the counter. Brooke was instantly fighting off tears, "The attack... it was my fault..." Sam sighed, leaving the house.


"We'll find her, Brooke. Okay?" I said, searching everywhere.

"I'm gonna go see if Owen has seen her." Brooke said, going into Tric.

As she entered, Julian came out. "Everything alright?" he asked.

"We can't find Sam..." I sighed, remembering he has talked to her, "Julian, if she calls you..."

He shrugged, "Not my problem." He replied, and walked away.

That's when Brooke came back outside, crying harder than before. "She hasn't been here..."

"Come on, lets go see if she went back home." I sighed, wrapping my arm over her shoulders.

We got back home, only to see that she WASN'T there.

"Where is she..." Brooke cried.

For once, I had no idea what to do.


No A/N

till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें