Chapter Seven

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A/N: Yo Yo!!(: hehe hi

Hope everyone is having a fine day&night!

Here's the next part!

Season 3 Episode 8


So, Brooke was a no show at school today. Brooke would never miss a day during basketball season because it was her favorite... so the whole sleeping with Chris Keller thing really did a number on her, I can't even imagine how Luke feels. My train of thought ended when Tim spoke.

"Hey, so the team is shaving their heads and getting a tattoo before the game. You in?" He said, looking at Nathan and I.

"Whose stupid idea was that?" Nathan asked, annoyed.

"Mine! I just thought of it. Crazy stupid, am I right?" He replied, raising his hand for a high five.

I rolled my eyes and faced the front again. Tonight should be interesting, shouldn't it?


Obviously, the pre-game locker room was already filled with Lucas and Nathan arguing.

"When you two girls are done fighting, maybe my captains would like to get the team unified for this game!" Whitey boomed, then looking towards me. "James! Get in here."

I followed Whitey into his office when he then threw a jersey at me. "There ya go, son. Don't blow it."

I looked at the back first, where my last name was above my number I have always had. 19. A smirk grew on my face and headed back into the locker room.

"That's more like it." Lucas mumbled, motioning me to him. We had to take our pills.

We made eye contact with each other before doing so, and then we joined the rest of the team to get ready for the game. Whitey stood before us, giving a speech.

"For you seniors, this is your last season. You'll all be leaving to do bigger and better things I hope. For me? I'll be leaving too. At the end of this season, win or lose, I'm done." Whitey announced. And with that, we headed to the court.

Mouth began by announcing all the starters, and I was one of them. Luke was named after me, and Nathan followed him. I went to make eye contact with Lucas, but he was already glaring at Chris Keller who then came out to sing the National Anthem.

The game had begun, and for an obvious reason, Lucas was playing poorly. Meaning, Nathan and I were working together to make a comeback and win this thing. Then, for a first, Lucas called for the ball. Nate was hesitant, but passed it anyway. Just as he should've caught it, Lucas scooted to the side and it nailed Chris in the face. We all made eye contact and laughed about it, continuing with the game. We lost.

The locker room was silent, a few coughs here and there. Then no other than Dan Scott himself came in.

"You all are a bunch of jokes. Do you not want a future with this game?" He mocked. Nathan made a sly comment and in one swift motion Dan had him pushed against a locker.

"Danny you better walk outta here before someone has to carry you out." Whitey threatened, bat in hand.

Dan sent out a devilish smile to everyone, then left. With that, we all started to get undressed to head out.


I was the last out of the locker room, distracted by the doctors visit the other day. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure in the stands all alone, Brooke. Just as I had reached her, Peyton joined in and mentioned about going to see her "friends" at Suburban Filth.

"They took my designs... They're the last people I wanna see right now." Brooke cried.

"Well, if they're yours, why not go take them back." I said, sharing a smirk with Peyton.

With that... They were off to go take what was hers.


A/N: I know, it was short I apologize! Hopefully the next one is longer as it will include 2 episodes like the last!

Till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें