Part Three

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I was at Tric with Peyton that morning, helping her put up posters and all that for her office.

"How's this label thing going for ya anyway?" I asked, taking a seat in a chair.

"Well, I'll let you know when I sign my first artist... Maybe you wanna be the first?" She teased with a sly smirk.

I shook my head and let out a laugh, "You let me know when you're ready and then we'll talk! If Haley does it you can count me in."

We shared a smiled when Lindsay walked in.

"Hey, I just wanted to share some luck." She said, placing a plant on Peyton's desk. "It's lucky bamboo. I got it when I first started editing, so now I hope it works for you!"

She left shortly later and Peyton started giggling, "Can you believe that!? She just came in here and marked her territory... in MY office!"

I just shook my head, "I don't think it was like that, Peyton! But... let's get your office together, huh?"

She gave me a smack and we continued working on her office.


I entered Brooke's new shop that she was opening, "So, Brooke Davis, explain to me why you open a shop here out of all the other places you could go?" I said, giving her a hug.

She smirked, "Well, Tree Hill is home... and it always will be. In fact, come with me! I'm gonna need a real house if I'm staying here, don't you think?"

She dragged me across town into a house showing.

"OH! I like that table." Brooke cheered.

"It's from Greece!" The owner smiled, "I think this home would be perfect for your guys' family."

Before I went to reply Brooke stepped in, "I'll take it!"

"The table?" the owner asked.

"No, the house and the furniture... all of it. And if you can be gone within an hour I can throw in an extra $30,000."

The owner smiled wide and grabbed her cat before heading out, "Enjoy your new home!"

"Perfect... isn't it?" Brooke smiled.

I nodded, "Yeah... but why such a large house if it's just you?" I questioned.

"Well," She said, stepping close to me, "It's for me, and Peyton... And I was hoping you would stay here to?" She smiled, showing off her dimple yet again.

"Wait, you want me to live here?" I said, not being able to hold back my grin.

"No... I want you to live with me, and sleep with me." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck, "But most importantly I want you to love me again."

My heart stopped for a brief moment. "Brooke, I never stopped."

She smiled and pulled my face down to hers and just as she was about to kiss me she stopped, "I need to go get Peyton and show her our home."

"That's mean!" I shouted as she left.


The next morning, in the new house, I was in the kitchen while the girls enjoyed some time to themselves on the patio. It was almost the perfect morning, until Victoria barged right in and went straight upstairs.

"Nice view, Brooke. At least it would be if this boy put a shirt on." she said, taking a jab at me.

"Brooke, I'm sorry, she walked right in." I defended.

"It's okay," She smiled, "What are you doing here?" she asked Victoria.

"Well, when a new location is charged to the company we have to check the address to verify it. Now, I was worried when you didn't arrive back in New York... but that's okay. There's a flight later that I will be on and you will be next to me." Victoria said, placing a ticket near Brooke and leaving.

"What're you gonna do?" Peyton asked concerned.

Brooke just took her spot next to me and shrugged, "I don't know..."



Hope you all are enjoying this! Also, I would really love some feedback! FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME OR COMMENT!!


till next time!


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