Chapter 19

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A/N: SO!!! I just took a look at the reads, and we are ALMOST AT 200!

I am so glad, and happy, that you all have stayed around like you have!!!

Anyway, enough of that am I right?

Season 3 E22


Brooke had left early in the morning, asking me not to talk to Peyton before she left. We planned on meeting up later after the wedding. I had gotten ready, however, I couldn't get my tie right.

"Boy, aren't you helpless..." Haley joked, fixing it for me.

"That's easy for you to say... you look amazing, Hales." I smiled and thought, "Have you heard from mom and dad?"

"Yeah, they said 'my first wedding was boring enough'. I'll just give myself away, it's fine."

I pursed my lips in deep thought, "Or... I could do it." causing her to snap her eyes up and look at me, "That is... if you would have me." I smirked.

Tears swelled in her eyes, "I would love nothing more, Tobin." She smiled, engulfing me into a hug.

We hugged for awhile, longer than we ever have. "I am so proud of you, Hales..."

"You too, baby brother." She smiled.

"Hey," Lucas said, "It's time."


Haley took hold of my arm and she was shaking from the nerves. We walked down the isle together slowly and eye caught both Brooke and Peyton glancing at me. I chose to ignore it... today was about Nathan and Haley. We reached Nathan as he stepped down, waiting for Haley's hand. We hugged as I gave a kiss on the forehead, shook Nate's hand, and then took my place behind Lucas as a groomsmen.

The ceremony was absolutely incredible. However, during the vows and exchanging of rings, Nathan surprised us all by giving Haley a new ring instead of the old one. I couldn't help myself, but throughout the ceremony I found myself looking at Brooke... thinking and wondering if this would ever be us, or if our relationship was all friendly. I shook it off as Peyton and I joined arms and retreated as the ceremony had ended.


The reception was just as amazing as the wedding. The moment Nathan and Haley were announced they headed to have their first dance. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her and seeing her so happy, nor could I stop the tears that were forming in my eyes. The bridal party later joined, so I danced with Peyton while Lucas danced with Brooke.

"I'll try not to lead you too much." She joked, causing me to laugh.

Peyton always found a way to get a smile out of me and for the first time in a while, her and I were bonding and having a good time. Until out of the corner of my eye I saw Brooke storm away from Lucas in the middle of dancing.

"Now, I know the bride doesn't usually give speeches or anything like that... but before the toasts are read, I need to share a dance with someone really important." She smiled, holding back tears and looking at me.

I took a deep breath myself before taking Haley's hand and slowly dancing with her. "I love you, Hales. So much. I hope to love someone like you and Nate love each other." I smiled and twirled her as the song ended.

"You already do." she smirked, hugging me and nodded her head towards Brooke.


Lucas was the first to toast. It was the typical Lucas, leading off with how him and Nate didn't start off on the right foot, but ended up walking together. Once Brooke took the mic, I could already sense something was off. Her eyes had a red tint to them, which meant she had been crying.

Later on, Cooper made a toast as well just because he was proud of his nephew for finding someone as great as Haley(duh). Once he left, Rachel jumped up there as well. At first, I was stunned she would want to make a toast but then I learned she was intoxicated the moment she started talking about how highschoolers don't understand or are incapable of love. Then she dropped the bomb, and toasted to, sleeping with Cooper before the two of them stormed out.

Shortly after, Nathan and Haley were getting ready to head to London for their honeymoon.

"Doesn't it rain a lot there?" Lucas asked.

"You bet it does." Nathan smiled, referring to how him and Haley always have sex when it rains.

I made a grimacing face and gave Haley a farewell hug. 


After most of the guests had gone, Brooke and I were still floating around. "Wanna dance?" she asked.

I nodded, taking the floor with her. I wasn't expecting it but she laid her head on my shoulder. No one spoke, we just continued to dance until Lucas came in.

"We never finished that conversation." He said, looking at Brooke.

I took that as a sign to leave. I said my goodbyes and was headed home.


Once I was home, I wasn't expecting anyone to be joining me since it was late. The moment I opened the door and saw Brooke with bags in her hand, I let out a sigh... knowing what she was already thinking.

"Can I stay?"


No A/N

till next time!


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