Part Two

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No A/N!



I had been spending the day with Haley and Jamie so far. To my surprise, there was no tension or anything between us.

"So, James Lucas, what's with this awesome cape and where can I get one!?" I smiled.

"I'm a super hero!" He said, jumping off the couch.

Haley and I exchanged glances at one another and laughed. "He's amazing, Hales. You have done a great job." I said.

"Thanks, Toby." She smiled and gave me a hug.

Our small moment was interrupted by voices outside. As Jamie ran at me I threw him over my shoulder and followed Haley to the backyard. Nathan sat with two girls talking to him, who then turned to look at us when they heard us walk out. I stopped dead in my tracks. There stood Peyton... with Brooke. My heart immediately started pounding.

"Uncle Tobes... you know your heart is going crazy, right?" Jamie whispered.

"Yes, Jamie, I am very aware!"

"Guys, I want you to meet someone," Haley said, turning to me and motioning for Jamie.

I sat him down next to Haley and made quick eye contact with Brooke. It took everything I had in me not to just pounce and hug her forever, and never let go again.

"This is James Lucas Scott! Jamie, this is your Aunt Brooke and Aunt Peyton."

Jamie seemed to be shy as he hid behind his mother.

"Well, gee, nice to see you too!" Peyton joked, taking me into a hug.

"I missed you too, P. Sawyer." I smiled, releasing her from the hug and looking towards Brooke.

"Did you miss me too?" she said, showing off her dimple.

I breathed out a laugh and engulfed her into a hug as well, however, this one was much longer and more intimate. "Could we talk later?" she asked.

I nodded and left with Brooke.


"So, what brought you back?" I asked, hoping that MAYBE she came here for me.

"I missed everyone... I missed being away from home." she sighed, looking at the ground.

"Well, I know you've been doing great! I think I have every single magazine where you're on the cover!" I joked, getting her to laugh, "You finally got everything you wanted, huh?"

"Well," she took a deep breath and made direct eye contact with me, "Not everything... this is my home. Everyone here is also my home. I'm staying in Tree Hill and won't be going back to New York." Brooke admitted.

I held my breath in an attempt to hide my excitement at the thought of seeing her more often again, "Oh, really? How are you going to manage that with mother Victoria around?"

"My company so it's my choice... I can't be away from the people I love the most anymore. It means nothing without them. All the fame, the money, all of it... it means nothing without you." She said, without realizing it.

"Me?" I asked.

She didn't reply and instead motioned for us to keep walking.


We all gathered later on in the day for Jamie's race. Brooke had designed him a special racing suit for him to wear and everything, which, I don't know how she managed when her phone was constantly ringing. She even had 'Peyton Sawyer, unemployed' as a sponsor. I searched the crowd for Nathan, only to have Haley tell me that he wasn't coming. I sighed, knowing how far he has fallen since the accident.

"Alright, racers, when you are ready place both hands on the wheel."

We all got ready to watch, but just as the flag was about to go Jamie had raised his hands.

"I don't wanna race... can I talk to Aunt Brooke?" he said.

Brooke smiled and joined him, "Buddy, are you sure you don't want to race? The suit is yours regardless."

"I'm taking a stand... is that okay?"

I couldn't help but smile at the moment between the two. Mostly because I imagined Brooke being a mother and I know she will make a great one someday.

"Nice work, Brooke Davis." I smiled.

She returned the smile, "Well, thank you! I always have been a GREAT role model."

I joked at her teasing side. I had missed her... I DO miss her, even though all I had to do was kiss her again and I know she would come back. I was the one that pushed her away after all.


That night, I went to go talk to Haley more. To finally talk this issue of my adoption out, and get over it once and for all. Just as I went to knock I heard a splash from the backyard.

"Hello!?" I screamed, knowing that Jamie was unable to swim yet.

There was no answer, so I peaked through the fence trying to get a view. That's when Nathan busted out from under the water.

"I am Nathan Scott!" He said, and began walking slowly.

He did it... he was walking again.



till next time!


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