Part 22

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SO! This part is going to be a bit different!

It will be in HALEYS POV!!!

Probably another short part, too! Sorry Dx



I sat at Tobin's bedside, just playing with his hand, trying to think of something to say or do.

"Hey, baby brother... Haley here." I breathed out a laugh. "So, I just thought you should know that Nathan got a phone call this morning! He got called by a D-league team and that's why he isn't here right now... his only words after it were 'go see Toby'" I said, getting a little choked up.

I reached my hand up and played with his hair, "Jamie is worried about you... He misses his Uncle Toby... he wanted to come but I just didn't want him to see you this way. So Deb stayed home with him." I started to cry and had to pause to catch my breath, "Brooke is a mess, so you gotta come back and fix her up... I am too! I need you to get better, okay? I gotta have someone pick on me! We aren't gonna say goodbye to you yet... We can't." I finished, finally breaking down and laying my head on the bed.

I heard the door open and someone placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "The doctors are ready to take him back..." Jackson sighed.

"You know who it is, don't you? The donor?" I asked, getting him to nod, "Who is it?"

Jackson took a deep breath, "Someone that has always loved him..."


We sat in the waiting room during surgery. Finally, Peyton and Brooke had shown up.

"I should have gone to him sooner... I should have had him come home and he wouldn't have had all this stress on him. I should have let him in!" Brooke cried.

"Hey, come on, don't start that." Peyton said, wrapping an arm around her.

"He loves you..." I cried, "Just be there when he wakes up, okay? Wearing this..." I sighed, placing her engagement ring in her palm.

She glanced at me and cried even harder. 

Now, we waited.


"Who is it...please tell me." I cried, looking at Jackson.

"The donor?"

I nodded, feeling the tears pile onto my face more.

"It was our father," he sighed, "Carter is the donor."

Before I could reply, Brooke came running into the waiting room with tears filling her eyes.

"He's awake." She said.


No A/N

till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя