Chapter 14

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No A/N this time...

Season 3 Episode 17


"Ready to get out of here?" Haley asked, helping me get out of the bed.

I nodded, I hadn't talked much since the shooting. I was getting released from the hospital today, and the timing worked out. Today was Keith's funeral... Haley went to wait in the hallway with Nathan, and I could hear them talking to the doctor.

"So, how has he been doing?" Haley asked.

"His therapy is doing great, improving at an incredible rate. But, I don't fully know. He won't talk to us, or tell us how he's feeling." The doctor replied.

"Hey man." Nate said, entering the room with a wheelchair.

I shook my head, rejecting to use it. "Look, I know this is hard alright? But you gotta tell us what you're thinking, man. At least to Haley." He pleaded, leaving the chair as Haley walked in.

I sighed, and wrapped my arm around Haley's shoulder as we headed to the funeral.


Once there, everyone turned to glance at us walk up. I moved from Haley to Rachel, and now stood between her and Brooke. I felt my jaw clench and a single tear fell down my face for Keith as Lucas made eye contact with me. I looked down and felt a hand take mine. I turned to see Brooke looking at me, tears filling her eyes too. I turned my attention forward, just as Lucas took a handful of dirt and places it in the ground.

After the funeral, we all gathered at Karen's. I stood in the kitchen and Brooke decided to be near me just in case I needed the support. We all shared memories of Keith and how great of a guy he was.

"Jimmy's funeral is on Tuesday..." Mouth said, breaking the air.

"You do NOT speak his name. Jimmy killed Keith. Don't say his name, especially in my mother's house." Lucas said, storming off.

Peyton later joined, taking a place next to me.

"How ya feelin, gimp." I asked, giving a soft smile.

"I could ask you the same now couldn't I?" She smiled back, and we shared a quick laugh.

I looked down, then back at her, "I'm really sorry, Peyton."

"Nah, it's okay. We've got cool scars now, huh?"she joked, missing what I meant.

"No, Peyton, I mean what I said to you. About you wanting Lucas... I had no right to do that and go off when I still lov--" She interrupted me.

"Really, it's okay Tobin. We both thought we were over them. It's okay." She smiled, and then we hugged.

I said my goodbyes and headed out, I was feeling rather tired already.


I didn't go back home, because that was Keith's place...and without him there I couldn't be there. Not again, and not when he isn't coming home. Instead, I was with Rachel, and somehow... she was making me feel better without even realizing it.

"Can I see it? The spot that almost took you..."She said, asking about my scar.

I lifted my shirt, and she traced her hands over it before leaning down and kissing it, "If you tell anyone I said this I will deny it but..." She said, then smirked, "I was really scared you were gone."

I breathed out a laugh, "Oh come on, if I left who would be here to save you from rain storms."

She laughed, but when she looked back up from the ground she had tears in her eyes, "I was really scared Tobin."

I sighed, taking her into a hug. "We all just grieve in different ways. We just need a way to be together and forget it. To try anyway..."

"Well, let's all get together then."


That night, Rachel had put together this giant "party" at the school to help people grieve however they wanted to. To be honest, I was really impressed. All of the cliques had shown up... the jocks, geeks, goths, all of them. We were all together, and somehow it made sense. I let Rachel do her own thing, and stood close to the beer kegs. Brooke joined not too long after.

"Hey buddy." She said, giving a small hug.

"Hey." I said, feeling rather awkward. We haven't talked since my undying love for her became public.

"Sorry I haven't really checked in... I've been with Lucas and Karen." She said, sending an apologetic look.

"It's okay... you were where you wanted to be. Where you should've been." I nodded.

She was about to speak but that's when Lucas slammed some guy against the wall and then stormed off. She gave me a quick hug before chasing after him. I sighed, and went into the Tutor Center where Haley and Nathan were.

"Hey.." I sighed, "I uhm, I'm sorry if I made you think I didn't appreciate you being there for me. I love you guys, and I just... I was so bitter for too long but, that's over. I just- I am so sorry." I said, walking closer to them.

Haley got up, tears in her eyes, and took me into a long and tight hug. I kissed her head when we parted, then Nathan rose and gave me a hug as well, "Just glad to still have you with us, man." he said.

We sat and talked for a bit, and Brooke joined. She gave them the key to the apartment, "It's your place, it always has been. I was just keeping it warm till you two came to your senses." she smirked.

They thanked her and left, then it was just us two. I exhaled, trying to relax being in this room again.

"Toby, are we gunna talk about this?" She asked, breaking the silence.

I didn't hesitate, "I love you, Brooke. Nothing has changed, and nothing will. But, I can't wait anymore. You love Lucas, and that's all there is to it. I'll be okay, but, just remember... when you think I don't love you... I probably love you more than I had the day before." I said, getting up and leaving.

I wasn't going to sit and fight for Brooke anymore.


A/N:      :OOOOOOO


How bout dat, huh!?

hehe xD

till next time!


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