Season 8 Ep 21 & 22

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The River Court. There were so many memories that took place here, along with bad ones. Where was it now? Littered with so many tractors and other construction utilities. So, here we all were, setting up camp to hope we get footage of a bird to save the Court.

"Clay, what in the world are you wearing?" I laughed, seeing his feminine shirt.

"I'm just minding my own business, okay? Don't be mean!" Clay scoffed, "Plus, with Quinn out of town I have to entertain myself somehow."

"Yeah, Brooke's out of town too." I sighed.

"Alex too." Chase said under his breath, getting us to turn in his direction. "I mean... why would I care if Alex was gone?"

"Uh huh, sure!" I laughed. "Come on Clay, we have beer and pizza and we're all together. Where else would you rather be?"

"Puerto Rico."


"Find anything?" Nate asked.

"Nope, nothing." I sighed, "It's great that you're doing this for Jamie, you know. You're a good dad, Nate."

"Well, I never had these types of moments with my parents. Having all of the friends and family around, so I am going to make sure Jamie gets to have that." Nathan smiled, "He's gonna miss you though when you leave, You and Brooke. We all are."

"Actually, we aren't leaving anymore." I stated, "Brooke passed on the job."

"Really? Why?"

"Because she's pregnant." I replied, feeling the smile grow on my face.

"But I thought..."

"That she couldn't get pregnant? Yeah, so did we! But, she is."

"You fertile bastard." Nathan teased, causing us both to laugh.

"Hopefully, it'll be a girl. So, she can be like her mom and aunts. Then, someday, be best friends with Lydia Scott."

"I'll drink to that." He said, as we tapped bottles.


Later the next morning, Nate and I left to go get some coffee and returned to a disaster! Clay's chair had been demolished and random things scattered the ground.

"We must've missed something." I laughed, joining the rest of them.

"Dad, look!" Jamie smiled, pointing to something in the wreckage.

We all shared a glance with each other as smiles grew onto our faces. There were some eggs, unhatched and unharmed, on the ground.

"Like I said, smart bird laying eggs on the ground!" Clay stated, but smiling soon after.


 Months had been going by, and Brooke's belly was getting bigger and bigger. We were keeping track of how bigger she got as another month would go by. I had gotten the crib together, the dressers, the tables, all of it was ready for our baby.

"Little late, don't you think?" Brooke laughed as I continued to put things away.

"Never too late when it comes to my family." I smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead as I placed a kiss onto her forehead.

"I have to get to the store, I'll be back late." She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you. Be safe."


The hospital was like a never ending maze. It was as though every turn I was taking was the wrong one and I had to start all over. I finally reached her, taking her hand into mine.

"Brooke, hey." I spoke softly, "Baby, I'm here."

"I'm sorry." She sighed, "Is the baby okay..."

"Yes, he's fine." I said, tears staining my eyes, "Our son is fine."

She just nodded and I placed a kiss onto her forehead.

"His name..."She breathed, "Name him Carter. After your dad, let's name him Carter."

I smiled wider, and allowed more tears to fall down my cheeks. "Carter sounds perfect."


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The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें