Part 24

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"Sam... breakfast!" Brooke shouted with a smile, "I made pancakes!"

I sent her a smirk at her childness... she was so smiley and had gotten up extra early for Sam to have a good meal before school. When she didn't come out of her room, I went to get her.

"Sam, come on..." I sighed, opening the door. "Or not..." I said, seeing that she wasn't in the room.

"You have got to be kidding!" I heard Brooke sigh.

"What is it?" 

"My wallet and my glasses are missing..."

I pursed my lips, "Kinda ironic, isn't it? Missing teen along with missing belongings..."

"Of course." she shook her head.

"Well, it isn't like she's hiding... She has to be at school, right?" I said.

Brooke's eyes widened and she bolted out the door, slamming it behind her.

I raised my coffee in the air, "Love you too!"


"This is crazy, Nate! When you said 'comeback'... I didn't know you meant I had to put my body on the line just to get a basket!" I scoffed.

"Come on, Tobes... look at it this way, alright? We do this, then we get noticed and show the teams we are healthy enough to play again." Nathan smirked, jumping on a spring and smashing the ball in the hoop.

I shook my head and followed suit. I jumped off the spring, spun in a 360, and slammed the ball in.

"So, we're really doing this... aren't we?" I sighed.

Nathan nodded, "Worth a shot, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but..." I sighed, glancing at him, "I don't really know how Brooke will react to this."

"Well..." He started, biting his cheek, "She supports your dreams... just talk it out. Like me? I ASKED Haley... I didn't tell her. I'm sure if you do the same then Brooke will be right there with you... Just don't expect her to be at every game..." He sighed, avoiding eye contact.

I snapped my head towards him, "And why wouldn't she be there?"

"Probably because Owen is on the team."

I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw. I took one last shot before heading out.


"There he is!" Haley smiled, "How's that heart holding up?"

I nodded, "Good... just wish I knew where it came from."

She gave me an apologetic look and changed the subject, "So, I heard Sam bolted on you guys this morning? She back yet?"

"No... we've been looking for her but she didn't come home." 

"You guys are amazing people, she just needs to realize that." Haley smiled, giving me a reassuring hug.

That's when Brooke called in a panic. "Tobin, I still can't find her... can you meet me at the restaurant?"

"Absolutely... I'll be right there." I said, hanging up. "I'll have to catch up later, Hales. Gotta go find her."


"You didn't come home last night..." Brooke sighed.

"That isn't my home." Sam retorted, avoiding eye contact.

"Sam, you had us worried." I said, getting her attention, "We can't help you if you don't want to be helped."

"I'm not sure if we can do this anymore..." Brooke said, holding back tears.

"Figures... I'm used to people giving up on me." Sam cried, having tears stream down her face as I clenched onto Brooke's hand. "See that waitress? That's my mom... and someday I am going to come back in here and show her what a big mistake she made. But, like I said, I'm used to people giving up." She finished, leaving.

Brooke couldn't hold it in anymore... she fell into my arms, trembling, as tears covered her face. Somehow, we had to fix this and get her back. Later, Brooke managed to do just that.

I stood at home when Brooke walked back inside, with Sam behind her. I smirked as Sam went straight to her room.

"Nice work, B. Davis." I smiled, taking her into a hug.

"You helped too, you know? I don't know how you do it, but you keep me sane." She said, placing a gentle kiss on my lips as the door bell rang, "Who could that be?"

She walked to the door and halted when she opened it, "What are you doing here?"

"Wondering if the real Brooke Davis was going to come in for a few drinks tonight..." The voice flirted, so I stepped in.

"Who the hell do you think you ar--." I stopped, "Sorry, she'll be staying in tonight... with her fiance." I snapped, slamming the door.

"Woah, jealous much? That's kinda hot." Brooke wink.

I couldn't help but smile and shaking my head before getting serious, "Why did Owen just come to your door, Brooke?"


No A/N

till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu