Season 7, Ep. 1&2

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Hello all my lovely people! I hope you're still here with me, even though I have been MIA!



I watched Haley in the studio as she recorded and she was doing amazing. She had gotten back into her music within the last 14 months and it was truly amazing. Obviously, she conned me into joining her as well.

"Sounds great, Hales." I smiled.

"I know!" She teased and laughed, "How are you doing?"

"Well, you're here every time I record so you should know!" I scoffed.

"Tobin... you know what I mean." She said sternly.

I sighed and looked down, "The conversations are small... she hasn't even touched me." I paused, "She won't even say ' I love you'. Plus, last time I checked, I'm still sleeping in a guest room at your place."

"Well," Haley sighed, "We're in a studio. Why not go sing it out."


I was back at the house with Haley, helping her set up for Jamie's birthday party.

"I heard you were 5, buddy!" I teased.

"No way! I'm 7!" 

"Are you sure? You're kinda short."

He gave me a teasing glare and looked at the yard, "This is gonna be the best!"

"Well, yeah, because I'm here!" I laughed, throwing him over my shoulder, "Wanna see your cake?"

He nodded and we went over to the cake but, something was wrong. For one, it wasn't really his cake and two, there was a piece missing.

"This cake is SO good." A voice spoke.

"Aunt Quinn!" Jamie smiled, running to her for a hug.

"What are you now? Like, 32?" Quinn smiled.

I laughed, "Don't you mean Haley?"

Haley gave me a smack on the shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just got to thinking and I haven't seen the two of you!" Quinn said, then looked at me, "How's my baby brother!?" She smiled wide, taking me into a hug.

I shrugged, "As good as I can be I guess."

"Aunt Quinn, you ate my cake!" Jamie shouted.

"No, you see, I don't think this is your real cake. If it was, I wouldn't be able to do this!" With a swift motion Quinn had smashed Jamie's face into the cake.

Jamie slowly lifted his head and wiped the cake from his eyes, "You're so dead."

Then, a huge cake fight began. I didn't mind. It was full of laughter and love, which I really needed right now.


The party had begun and I was inside helping Haley get drinks and other things.

"You know, she asked about you." Haley spoke, breaking the silence.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Who?"

She rolled her eyes, "Brooke, you dork."

At that moment, she walked in and look gorgeous as always. I swallowed hard and she looked away from me quickly.

"I just wanted to see if you needed any help." Brooke said.

"Come on, mom! Presents! Chop, chop!" Jamie shouted from outside.

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