Season 7, Ep. 9&10

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I woke up by having Brooke give me a gentle shake, only to see her have a pouting face.

"Uh oh, that face means you're sad... what is it?" I said, wrapping an arm around her as she sat next to me.

"I just missed having you next to me last night." she pouted.

"I know..." I sighed, "This is just my first concert, on my own, and Haley's comeback concert... I just want every little note and lyric perfect."

Brooke exhaled and took my hands into hers, "You'll do great, baby... your songs are good. Especially the ones about me!" She teased and gave me a peck on the cheek, "Anyway, I need to go bother Haley! I made her outfit for tonight, plus, I need some Haley talk."

"Haley talk?" I scoffed, "Why can't you talk to me!"

"Nice try," she winked, "But, you have songs to 'perfect' and I need her for this, okay?"

I gave in and nodded just as she walked out the door.


I took a deep breath as I felt the tips of my fingers trace over the cold concrete. I was lost with words, and to be honest I think that was okay... I usually sit here with so many words or issues, but this time I had nothing.

"You still come too, huh?" A voice spoke over the crunch of leaves. Jackson.

"Yeah... I guess so." I sighed, rising from my crouch, "How's Olivia?"

His eyes went wide, "You... you're asking about her?"

"Yeah..." I smirked, shrugging my arms. "That kid, Jamie, is way to smart! He just said something the other day... I don't know but maybe it's time to forgive."

"Well, only giving it a chance will tell... you should come by some time." He smirked, and retreated back to his vehicle.


"Well, well, look at that crowd!" Haley teased, "Nervous?"

"To see my sister make a comeback? Not at all." I smirked, giving her a hug. "But, honestly, no... I feel really good actually."

At that moment, Brooke came back here to see us and I smiled wide.

"Ready to see your handsome husband?" I teased, taking her into a hug.

"Always." She sighed, "I love you, you know that?"

"And I love you!" I smiled, giving her a gentle kiss.

"Tobin, you're up!" A voice muttered.

I took a deep breath and waited for Haley's final song to be played. Let me just say, performing in front of all of those people who were there for me was so satisfying and such an amazing moment. The one and only thing that would have made the night more perfect was to get a glimpse of Brooke, but I couldn't find her.

Once I got off the stage, Haley was the first to approach me and leaped into my arms.

"The baby isn't a baby anymore!" she squealed, "I am so proud of you."

"Well, you were the rock star tonight! You made this happen." I smirked, getting another hug.

"Oh stop!" Quinn said as she rolled her eyes, "You both were amazing, just accept it."


I made my way inside quickly, looking for Brooke.

"Brooke?" I shouted, "Where are you, babe? I didn't catch you after the concert."

When there was no reply I made my way to the bedroom, only to see her in the bathroom... crying and tears staining her face.

"Brooke..." I sighed, taking steps towards her.

"I'm sorry... I am so sorry, Tobin." she cried.


I tossed and turned all night, and woke to see Brooke already over looking me.

"How'd you sleep?" She questioned.

"I didn't..."


"Come on, Brooke... talk to me! What the hell happened?" I scoffed.

"I thought I was pregnant." She said, and just as my smile started to grow it had vanished, "I'm not though... so, it's okay."

"No..." I breathed, "It would be okay if we were..."

I approached her slowly, and she fell into my arms and held me tightly.


In an attempt to get stuff out, I went on a run but found myself with Haley.

"You doing okay?" She asked, sliding over a cup of coffee.

I shook my head, "I don't know, Hales... I just, I don't know where all of this anger of hers is coming from."


"Why? What do you know?" I said quickly.

"Nothing..." She said, not looking at me. Meaning she was lying.

"Hales, tell me... what is it?" I pleaded.

"It was so long ago, I just can't believe it's here!"

"What is it!"

"Okay, remember how when you and Brooke were apart while she was in New York... you were with that girl?" Haley started.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"She was the first one to have an effect on you besides Brooke." Haley stated, and continued since I was still confused. "She's here, Tobin... she's in Tree Hill."


I waited at home for Brooke to get home, flowers in hand. When she walked in she had a slight smile that came onto her face as she saw the flowers.

"I wanna show you something." I smiled, leading her to the spare bedroom I had cleared out, "I know you aren't yet.. But, when we do get pregnant, this can be his or her room."

She instantly broke down into tears, "We won't get that day."

"Baby, we will! If this is about her being here..." I started, only to have her cut me off.

"That isn't it!" She shouted, crying even harder. "They didn't just tell me I wasn't pregnant... they said I never will be."

"Th...they told you that?" I stammered.

She nodded, "A doctor said you can't, and now I can't..." She cried, storming off to the bedroom and I obviously followed her.

"Hey..." I said, trying to calm her down.

"You want a family, and I want one with you but we can't!" She cried.

"Stop! Okay? We will get another opinion, and a third, and as many as it takes! We will figure this out!" I pleaded, "I love you, Brooke. Okay? I love you."

She just nodded and cried harder, "I love you, too." She said, collapsing into my arms for a hug.



Hey guys!

So, obviously you have been seeing me struggle to pick an actor to play Tobin...

I wanna hear from you guys on this! Message me or comment any ideas you guys have!


Till next time!


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