Part Four

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The morning at home was rather quiet ever since Victoria had dropped the bomb of Brooke going back to New York.

"Hey... you're doing great, Brooke." Peyton said, heading out the door.

Brooke then turned to me, "You know, you haven't really said anything since she came..."

I sighed, not knowing what I was about to say, "I don't know what to say, Brooke. I just got you back and now you need to leave to keep working. This is your dream! You have wanted this for so long and I would NEVER ask you to stay with me over that."

She nodded and headed towards the door, "Ya know, you are a part of that dream. None of it matters without you. None of it will EVER matter without you." She finished and left the house.


I headed over to Brooke's shop to help her get ready for the opening tonight.

"Anything I can help you with?" I asked, looking around, "This place is looking amazing!"

"You can just shut up and kiss me already..." she said, shooting me a smile.

I was shocked, but I also wasn't going to object. I placed my palm gently on her face and pulled her lips to mine. I could tell she smiled into the kiss, which led to her smiling even more when we parted.

"What and who is this?" Victoria asked, giving me the stink eye.

Brooke scoffed and wrapped her arms around my waist, "This is Toby... he is my boyfriend."

"Funny... I never thought you would let a boy control your dreams." Victoria snapped and walked away.


It was time for Brooke's opening and I decided to dress nice, so I picked out my grey suit for the evening. Throughout the night, Brooke had given away a free dress to both Haley and Peyton for all the help earlier in the day. I decided to make my way over to Lucas while Brooke did her thing.

"Hey Luke, where's Lindsay tonight?" I asked, taking a drink.

"She had to go back for something, so I came with Peyton tonight."

"Peyton? You think that's a good idea?" I asked concerned.

"Peyton and I were really good friends before our relationship... I don't see why we can't go back to that." he replied.

"You know why, Lucas." I snapped.

That's when Lucas left and went to talk to Peyton, who was flirting with the bartender. He must have pissed her off because she stormed after him when he went outside.

After the party I had stayed behind with Brooke and with my luck Victoria was here too.

"Well, I am definitely impressed... but how did the store do?" Victoria said with a small smirk.

"Sold a few handbags and scarves!" Brooke smiled.

"But no dresses.... that's probably the biggest loss our company has ever seen. Millicent, go ahead and send the left overs to our Houston location... they will be expecting them." Victoria ordered.

"Expected? Wait, you planned this? You wanted your daughter to fail?" I snapped.

"If she had sold just one dress... I would let her stay. Now, I am sorry that your little love fest is over but Brooke has work to do."

"I'll buy this one." A small voice said. Millicent.

Brooke rejected her offer even though it was very heartfelt. With that, we headed home.


"My own mother sabotaged my store..." Brooke said, trying to hold in the tears from her heartache.

"But she failed... You sold a dress, Brooke. You have done so much without her... and I can not wait to see what else my girl will accomplish." I said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

She gave a small smirk, "I'm glad you're here with me... again."

"I told you I always would be."



SOOO!!! I am still waiting for some feedback from you guys!

Lemme hear it!

till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz