Season 8, Ep 13 & 14

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I started the morning of my wedding day at the River court with Jamie and Nathan.

"Think you can stop me, punk?" Nathan smirked, dribbling the ball.

"Punk? How am I the punk on MY wedding day?" I scoffed.

"It's because you're between him and the basket!" Jamie laughed.

"Oh!" I smiled, stepping aside, "I can move if you would like."

"Nah, you can stay right where you are!" Nathan laughed, making the shot before turning to Jamie, "How's your speech coming?"

"Wait, I have to write a speech?"

"Of course you do, best man!" I smiled, "The best man and maid of honor always give a speech and say all sorts of nice things."

"Your mom probably didn't tell you because she wants hers to be better!" Nathan teased.

"Sounds like mom." Jamie rolled his eyes.


Finally, the time had come... again. Haley came down the aisle first, looking absolutely stunning. She sent me a wink as she took her place. That's when I saw her. The one and only Brooke, walking down the aisle to me once again... for the final time.

"Wow..." I sighed.

"Brooke looks like an angel." Jamie whispered.

"That's why I'm not nervous." I smiled.

"In that case, try not to have another wedding."

I  smiled even wider, taking hold of Brooke's hand again. We read our vows to one another, obviously with tears in our eyes. We then exchanged our rings, only to have Skills jump up when there was the opportunity for someone to say that we shouldn't wed.

"Don't nobody say nothin'" he said.

There was an awkward silence followed by laughter, and with that we said our 'I dos'.

"Can I kiss my wife now?" I smiled.

"You better." she replied, leaning in.

We both smiled into our kiss as the people there erupted in cheers.


"Welcome Mrs. and Mr. Tobin James as they head to the dance floor for their first dance!" The DJ announced. "Listen close for the special surprise."

"Surprise? What is he talking about?" Brooke questioned.

I smirked in return, "I may have changed the first dance song."

Before she could retaliate, she heard my voice over the speakers and began to tear up.

"It's perfect." She smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled back, placing a loving kiss onto her lips.

After that, it was time for Jamie and Haley's speeches. They both brought tears to our eyes, which led to Brooke and I sharing a kiss after each speech.

Later in the night, it was time to leave but Skills made us take the car instead of the limo for some reason! Brooke and I drove through the night, just being in eachother's presence.

"We made it." Brooke sighed.

"How does it feel, Mrs. James?" I smiled.

"It feels amazing, Mr. Davis!" She teased, placing a kiss onto my cheek.


I was sound asleep, well, until Brooke sent an elbow into my chest.

"Ow! Brooke, what the heck!?" 

"Was I sleep fighting again?" Brooke sighed.

"Uh, yeah! No more hero movies before bed for my wife."

She smiled devilishly, "You said wife! I like when you say it."

"Well, we are married!" I laughed, getting up from bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm headed to the studio, gotta work on that album... remember?"

"Well, what am I supposed to do then!?" She pouted.

"Wait for me to get back?" I winked, placing a kiss on her lips.


Mia and I spent the day just messing around in the studio. Playing with lyrics and trying to get a song out.

"I'm really glad to see you back in here." Mia smiled.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know!"I scoffed, letting out a laugh and seeing a figure join us in the studio. Alex.

"What are you doing here?" Mia stated.

"I'm here to record."

"No way!" Mia defended, "Besides, this is Toby's time slot"

"I don't mind!" I said, turning to Alex, "Let's see what you've got."


No A/N

till next time!


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