Part 35

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"Funny," Brooke sighed, looking over an issue of B.Davis Magazine, "I didn't know vampires could be photographed."

I chuckled and at that exact moment, Sam walked in with Victoria.

"Sam, remind me to get you a garlic necklace." I teased.

Victoria rolled her eyes, "Well, good morning to you too!"

"Okay, easy now! We brought caffeine." Sam pleaded, handing out the cups.

"Thank you!" I smirked, turning to Brooke. "I'll come home right after the game, okay? See you all later." I said, placing a kiss on Brooke and heading out.


The moment I got to the office, Devon had been there pleading for his spot on the team back.

"Look, I'm sorry... but, the team is full." I apologized, watching him leave as Nathan walked in. "You're here early!"

"Running through some plays with Nino." Nathan informed.

I smirked, "Well, good! Because there's gonna be a scout here to watch you guys play tonight. I don't know much, but when I know more... so will you."

Nathan turned to head to the court when I stopped him, "None of it matters unless you make the shot." I winked.


"So! What do you know?" Nathan chirped.

I sighed, "It's a good offer from a really good team... and the money isn't too bad."

"But..." Nathan sighed.

"It's a European team, Nate. A 2 year contract."

"Well... when do they need to know?"

"They'll move on to a new choice tomorrow."

"Can I ask you a question? As my coach, do you think I'm good enough for the NBA?" Nathan blurted.

I took a breath, "Are you good enough?" I paused, seeing that he really wanted an answer, "Yes, I think you are good enough. But, one thing I have learned about this league is that it takes more than talent... it takes timing."

"So, you think I should take the offer." Nate nodded.

"Hell no!" I scoffed, "I think let someone else take that so you can be here when the NBA does call."


"So..." Sam sighed, breaking the silence, "How's the baby thing?"

I took a breath and turned to her, "Brooke didn't tell you?"

She shook her head, "She said that she wanted you to be the one to tell me."

"Well... uhm, it turns out that Brooke and I won't be having any kids..." I sighed, looking down at my drink.

"Why not?" Sam asked with concern.

"I can't do what I need to do in order for Brooke to get pregnant." I informed, trying not to go into details.

At that moment, Brooke walked in with a sad look on her face. Before I could ask why, she placed a letter on the table.

"Sam, I have a letter for you... it's from your birth mother."

"No." Sam rejected, "I don't want it... she gave me up."

"Sam, you've been going to that coffee shop for months now... you must want something." I pleaded.

"It's okay for you to want closure." Brooke said.

"And, you know that we love you and will always be here for you... but, if it's answers that you want then she is the only one who can give them to you, sweetheart." I said softly.


"We'll be right here." Brooke stated.

Sam nodded her head and entered the shop, looking back at us before going forward. Brooke tightened her arms around my waist.

"It'll be okay..." I sighed, trying to convince myself.

She nodded her head slowly and started to shake. She was now crying.


I spotted Brooke, yet again, watching over Sam talking with her birth mother.

"Baby, come on... it's been a month. We gotta let her do what she needs to." I said, wrapping an arm over her shoulder.

"She's eating pecan pie!" She shouted, then getting sad again, "She doesn't even like pecan pie..."

"I have an idea." I said, getting her to look at me, "How about you just be happy today! Peyton's baby shower is today, right?"

"Yes, yes it is... speaking of, I should get going!" Brooke said, placing a quick kiss on my cheek before walking off.


I stood in the studio, looking over all the buttons and playing with a few of them. I breathed out a laugh and imagined how thrilled Haley, Peyton, and Brooke would be if I started a record. I shook my head and let out a breath as I turned to leave.

"Ready to get in there, baby James?" Mia smirked, giving me a hug.

I sighed, "Honestly, really thinking about it."

She pursed her lips in thought, "Well... ya know... I could keep it a secret if you went in there and played around, maybe sing a little."

I smirked and headed into the studio, placing the headphones over my ears. That's when Mia decided to play one of Haley's songs and motioned for me to sing along with it. Once I started, I didn't want to stop. I sang like I never had before and I did so with a smile on my face.

The song ended and I gathered my things to leave. Of course, Mia had to say something as I left.

"Sounded pretty good in there!"


"Well, Scott!" I smirked, not being used to calling him that, "I can waive you being late if you can do 2 things for me tonight. 1, win the game... and 2, impress the NBA scout that's here to watch you guys play tonight!"

The game began and Nathan seemed to be focused on making Nino look good. By the time half came around, we were up by 10.

"Nathan, you're doing a great job making him look good! Just make sure you help yourself look good, too. If you see an open shot, take it." I said.

"Scout can see everyone... we're gonna win this game." Nate smiled, heading back to the court.

We did in fact win the game, and I rushed home. Brooke and I were going to adopt Sam tonight... well, ask her.


I charged into Brooke's store hoping to see Sam, but the only 2 there were Brooke and Victoria.

"Thought you were playing a game, or something?" Victoria scoffed.

"Stop, Victoria." Brooke, threatened, "Don't take this out on him."

"He wasn't even here."

"Here for what? Where's Sam? I have a surprise for you guys!" I smiled, but that faded when Brooke finally made eye contact with me.

"Brooke... where's Sam?" I asked.


No A/N

till next time!


The Other James ~~ One Tree Hill FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now