Part Eight

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A/N: Hey all you wonderful people!

I hope you had a safe and happy new year celebration!

Here we go!



I sat at the bar with Brooke, having Owen serve shot after shot of Brooke's new drink.

"Okay, I think that's enough for you." Owen said, putting away the cups.

"Wow, who knew you could do something instead of just flirting with her." I snapped.

We shared glares and Brooke gave me a nudge, before getting a phone call.

"We need to go... it's Peyton." Brooke sighed, reaching for the keys.

"Hold on a minute, you aren't driving. I can take you..." Owen suggested.

"No," I said, taking the keys, "I haven't had any. I can drive my own fiance home."

Owen put his hands up in surrender and I led Brooke outside into the car. We walked into the house to see a sobbing Peyton cuddled up to one of Lucas' books.

"He proposed... Lucas proposed to Lindsay." she cried.

"Oh... P. Sawyer..." Brooke sighed, taking a spot next to her.

"He'll come around, Peyton. He always does." I assured.

"Maybe... but what do I do now?" 

I bit my lip in thought. I didn't know the answer... that's when Brooke took the book and led Peyton over to the fire.

"First, we let go." She said, tossing the book into the fire, "Then, I stay here and you cry on my shoulder as long as you need."

I decided this was more of a girls moment and I wasn't needed, so I retreated to let them be alone.


I arrived at Lucas' office to see Nathan and Skills had already arrived. They were watching a video of the team that the Ravens would be playing for their first game. That's when Lucas came in and announced his engagement.

"That's great, big brother!" Nathan smiled, giving him a hug.

"Yeah! Who's the lucky girl?" Skills asked.

"You're kidding... right?" Lucas said.

"No way... Peyton came back to town so you never know! Hell, it could even be Brooke at this point, too." Skills teased.

"Yeah that's a no... Brooke is already engaged!" I smiled.

"Bout time!" Lucas laughed, "But really... it's Lindsay."

"Well, I am happy for you. But, Peyton is hurt too... and I won't bash on you for this but, I won't pick sides." I said, giving him a pat on the back before leaving.


"So, I need to buy a dress. It has to be the BEST dress that you have!" I smiled, entering Brooke's store.

"Oh really," Brooke said, making her way over to me, "And who is this girl?"

"Well, she's the fiance kind." I teased, leaning in for a kiss that would be interrupted.

"It's Victoria." Milly said, handing the phone to Brooke.

"Hold that thought." Brooke scoffed, taking over the phone.

That's when Jamie stormed over to me and I picked him up into the air.

"Aunt Brooke says you 'popped the question'. I don't know what that means, but since it has her smiling I think it's good." Jamie said.

"Well, J-Luke, it means that Aunt Brooke and I are gonna get married someday. Like your mom and dad." I smiled, glancing up to see Brooke already smiling at us.

Jamie nodded and darted back to the couch to watch more tv. "I thought Haley said no tv?" I teased.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her!" Brooke smiled, then her mind went elsewhere. To Victoria.

"Why do you put up with it, Brooke? Why don't you just take over and run it yourself?" I asked.

"Without her I wouldn't have gotten to where I am..." she sighed, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the head, "I think otherwise."

She smiled and went to lean in for a kiss, however, my phone ringing interrupted us this time. Haley said she needed to see me and to meet her at the studio. I turned to leave but Brooke pulled me back.

"You're forgetting something!" She smiled.

I laughed and placed a gentle kiss on her lips which got a reaction out of Jamie.

"Gross!" He shouted.


"So, what's the big emergency?" I asked, walking into the room and having Mia and Haley sharing a smirk.

"First off, you failed to tell your sister on your engagement!" She said, smacking me on the arm.

"Sorry! It just happened!" I defended.

"Whatever!" She laughed, "And second, Mia and I had this idea."

I glanced over at Mia, "I want you to do a duet with me on my album." she said.

I caught my breath. I was NOT expecting anything like this to happen.

"Duet... with me?" I said, still not wrapping my head around the idea.

"Absolutely!" Mia smiled.

That's when Peyton walked in, and instead of looking sad she seemed to be doing better already. "You two get in there! We have a duet to do, right?" she said.

I breathed out a laugh as Mia pulled me into the studio with her. When we sang together (Little Do You know by Alex & Sierra), it was actually fun. It was as if I belonged in here with how comfortable I was with being in here. Just singing... it was the one thing from my past that I could still do.

We wrapped up and I headed home.


I laid in bed, playing around on my laptop by looking for possible jobs I could get into. That's when Brooke came in, later than usual, with a sly grin on her face.

"Hey, where ya been?" I said.

"That is a secret!" She smirked, plopping onto the bed, "What're you doing?"

"Just job hunting... nothing new."

"But, why do that when you have that album?" she smiled.

"Because..." I sighed.

"Okay," She said, moving the laptop and taking its place on top of me, "Where's your mind at?"

"Brooke, an album getting out there means people will buy it... that will lead to us getting bigger, which means leaving on tour. I can't leave you again, I won't." I said, looking up to meet her eyes.

She bit her cheek, "That won't be us again. Wanna know why?"

I nodded and she continued, "Because of this!" She smiled, holding up her ring, "This means I stick by you and you stick by me... no matter what."

"I love you, Brooke Davis." I smiled, receiving a kiss.

"Just call me 'Brooke James.'" She laughed.


No A/N

till next time!


PS All rights go to Alex and Sierra for the song used!!!

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