Part 17

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These episodes were so sad! I hope I wrote it well enough for you to get a little emotional too...



"So," Carter started, "How did Brooke handle the news about your heart?"

I sighed, "She's really torn right now... I can't believe this is happening. She has so much to handle already and then I come in and throw this curve ball."

"Oh, come on... That woman loves you. She's stronger than you think, and you know that."

"I know she is." I breathed, brushing my hands through my hair, "She just doesn't deserve this... especially right now."

Carter pursed his lips and then a sly smirk grew on his face. "I have something for you."

Before I could reply, someone smacked the back of my head. I turned and faced him which instantly caused me to hop out of my chair with joy.

"Jackson!" I smiled, engulfing him in a hug, "What are you doing here, man?"

"Well, dad said you were kinda low... So, I figured what kind of brother would I be if I didn't help you out." he smirked.

"You see, son... no matter what you have us too, along with Brooke." Carter smiled, wrapping us both under his arms.

"Oh yea, Brooke! I gotta meet her... huh?" Jackson winked, which allowed me to punch him in the arm.

My attention was grabbed when my phone started ringing. Peyton was calling, which was unexpected.

"Peyton, what's up?"

"It's Angie... Brooke just took her to the hospital. Her surgery is today."


"You're gonna be okay, baby girl. Nothing is going to happen to you." Brooke cried, handing Angie to a nurse.

"Brooke, I am so sorry... I came as soon as I could." I said, taking Brooke into my arms.

"Just relax, okay? She will be okay..." The doctor said, turning away.

"Hey doc..." I said, getting his attention again, "What's your name? Your first name..."

He smirked, "I'll come out when the surgery is done."

Brooke turned into my embrace, shaking from crying so hard.

"Come on, lets go sit." I said.


"How long has it been?" Brooke asked.

"About an hour..." Peyton sighed.

"You said that last time!" I snapped.

Peyton rolled her eyes, "That's because you asked 30 seconds ago."

"P. Sawyer, we love you and appreciate you being here but you should really go do something." Brooke sighed.

"Yeah, we need SOMEONE to have a good, productive day today." I agreed.

We said our goodbyes to Peyton and she was off to her studio. I exhaled as I took a seat again, placing my head in my hands.

"What are we gonna do Toby?" Brooke said, sitting next to me.

"She'll be okay, Brooke. I know it..." I replied, trying to convince myself.

"No... I mean with you. What happens if there aren't any donors?" She started to cry.

I turned to face her, taking her hands into mine, "We'll figure it out... like we always do. I'll use your strength and you'll use mine..."

She nodded and fell into my arms, crying harder.


I sat there in the waiting room with my leg bouncing over and over again, clenching Brooke's hand. We stood up when we saw the doctor come around the corner.

"The surgery went smoothly. She's gonna be fine." He smiled.

"So... She's gonna be okay?" Brooke said, crying from relief and joy.

"We are assisting her breathing right not, but yes. She is stable and we have every reason to believe she will be okay."

We both exhaled, taking each other into a tight hug.

"Can we see her?" I asked.


"She's okay..." Brooke breathed, looking up to me, "You will be too."

I smiled and wiped a tear off her cheek, "WE will be okay. All of us."

Not long after, Brooke was relaxing on the couch and finally allowed sleep to take over. It was just me and Angie now. I grabbed my guitar from our belongings and started to strum. I found myself playing a song (Keep Holding On by Avril Lavine) and singing it directly to Angie. By the time I had finished there were tears stained on my face.

"You should get some sleep, too." The doctor said, "You guys did an amazing thing..."

I nodded, wiping my face, "Brooke wants one of us here when she wakes up."

"You know, she will have you to thank... when she gets accepted to college, gets married, and has kids? That's all because of what you two did. She'll have Tobin and Brooke to thank for the life she has."

I nodded, "She'll have you to thank, too."

He smirked and turned to leave, but stopped. "It's Ethan, by the way... my name."

"Thank you, Ethan."

He nodded and headed out. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes in an attempt to relax. I was okay, Brooke was okay, and Angie was okay. We all were okay...

My family was okay.


No A/N

till next time!


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