Chapter 12

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A/N: Time to get even MORE interesting!!!


Season 3 Episode 15


Walking into school, everyone was just surrounding the TV monitors. Once I found one, I could see why. Someone had gotten the time capsule and was playing it over every screen in the hall. Nathan showed first, talking about how he hopes Haley got everything she wanted and that no one should ever get married. Lucas followed him, talking about how if he gets close to Dan then maybe he can find a way to bring him down once and for all. Brooke's, at first, talked about how she would probably marry a guy like Mouth. Then, it took a twist when she took of her shirt. Obviously, she didn't stop there, just as she un-clipped her bra, the screen went out. However, it came back on just in time for everyone to see.

That's when my face appeared, and my heart beat ran to my ears.

"20 years from now? I don't know what I'll be doing, or who will be next to me. I know Haley will be there, she's there for everything. I know who I want, but she'll never want me in that way. Then again, I guess it's safe to say who it is on here ...huh? 20 years from now this will have passed so... why not? I have completely fallen for Brooke Davis, and I refuse to apologize for it. She's been hurt over and over, yet she still manages to put other people before herself. She still lets ME in. She is by far the greatest thing in this whole place. 20 years from now? I'd like to say Brooke Davis chose me, and wanted me. Everyone knows that won't happen..."

Everyone turned to look in my direction. I couldn't even feel my heart beating anymore, so I closed my eyes and exhaled. The moment I opened my eyes, there she stood. Brooke was on the far end of the hallway looking right at me. I gulped and stormed away, just as Jimmy's capsule came on.

Jimmy had completely changed from the days at the River Court. This Jimmy had become dark, and cruel. His capsule revealed so much pain in his eyes. Then, the principal announced that classes for the day were cancelled, so I bolted out.


After school I didn't even go home, that would be too obvious. I kept getting phone calls from Brooke, but I ignored them all. Then, Haley called. I couldn't ignore her, so I took a deep breath before answering.

"How about you come over, okay? Brooke isn't here." she said, and I could hear the worry in her voice.

I went right inside once I got there, plopping on the couch. "Any chance you're gunna leave for tour again" I said, in an attempt to joke.

Haley gave me a half smile before speaking, "Why didn't you ever say anything?"

I sighed, "Because... Lucas loved her, and she loved him." I started, pulling Brooke's letter out of my jacket, "I didn't want to be the one to ruin another happy ending for her."

"What's that?" She asked, taking the letter from me.

"Brooke wrote that to me. Just like she wrote to Lucas. I haven't opened it..."

She handed it back to me, "Are you still with me tonight? For the benefit concert?"

I half smiled, "You know I'm always there for you, Hales." I said, then looking up, "Only this time... I think I wanna sing solo."

She couldn't hide her smile, "Finally gunna sing that song you wrote about her?"

My mouth gaped open, "How did you know about that!"

"I came to see you after the bonfire, and I heard you playing." She smirked, "Better go get ready!"


Haley and I sat in the back, waiting for our turn to go on. Right now, the 'main event' was performing we were on after. Well, Hales was next and I was one of her guitarist but then I was singing my song. Nathan came in, so I excused myself to let them be.

I was behind a curtain when someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned to see Peyton.

"How ya holdin' up, lover boy?" she said, causing me to laugh.

"Really wishing we were still on tour right now." I sighed, seeing Brooke in the crowd.

"You aren't over her, are ya?"

I looked down, shaking my head."I don't get it Peyton. Why do we chase things we can't have? What's the point? Why can't we just move on..."

She shook her head, not knowing the answer either. She gave me a hug, and then Haley smacked my back, "It's time." She smiled.

We took the stage, and the crowd cheered. As Haley sang, I did everything I could to avoid the area Brooke would be in. Once Haley was done, instead of bowing she took the mic.

"Now, this makes me so proud. Instead of joining me in song, My brother here is going to be singing you his first self-written song." She announced, looking at me with a smile.

We switched places, "Well, this is my first go at this but uhm.. The girl I love recently learned who she was so... Now she gets to hear my song for her." I said, getting ready.

I began singing. (Bad Reputation by Shawn Mendes).

Throughout the song, I made a point to make eye-contact with Brooke. I succeeded every now and then, but not the whole song. Once the song ended, the crowd erupted in cheers. Haley ran up and hugged me, and we bowed together before heading backstage.

"You were so good!" Haley squealed.

I just laughed, feeling pretty good about myself actually.

"But, Hales..." I set, having it click, "What about Lucas?"





till next time!

Ps! All rights go to Shawn and his people for actually creating the song Toby sang!!(:

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