Home Sweet Home | Chapter 39

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Stark scooped up Christian in his arms and carried him as we headed back to the town I was suppose to stay in.

Silence fell over us while we walked, taking our time with all that has happened. I stared at my feet and listened to the nearby trees swaying in the wind.

"Christian helped me so much, risked his life for me and I couldn't even save him." I mumbled. Stark cleared his throat and sighed.

"He wanted it this way, he told me that nothing happened between the two of you, that you were able bring him out of the trance. He wanted us to be happy in the end." He whispered.

It was never suppose to be this way. I was suppose to escape with Max and Ruth and live in peace — shit really hit the fan, it all happened in a blink of an eye.

"So many people helped me and none were rewarded." I hung my head low and sighed.

Everyone who tried to protect me — a mere slave was killed, except Stark.

He stared forward and shook his head, his face was twisted in confusion and hatred; I wanted to comfort him, but I didn't know how to.

"Samantha, did you know that I knew your parents?" He asked. I met his gaze and frowned.

"What?" I choked.

"I met them once, at a market. They were lovely people." He smiled and looked away.

"Were they happy?" I asked.

"Yes, they were madly in love with two beautiful children. If that isn't happy then I don't know what is." He chuckled.

He was avoiding talking about the events that just occurred, the burning of the PureBlood Clans mansion, the servants deaths, the werewolves deaths — his brothers death.

Julian was still alive, waiting for his moment to strike; all those people's deaths were meaningless if he was still alive and able to hurt many others.

I licked my dry lips and rubbed my eyes, the pain in my body was fading bit by bit until it was hardly noticeable. I was thankful for everyone who put their lives on the line for mine.

"Hey, Stark?" I asked staring at the sky; organge, pink and blue swirling together as the sun started to fall.

"Yeah?" He mumbled. I took a deeo breath, glanced over at him and smiled.

"I love you." I blushed. He smiled back and tossed his head back and gazed into the sky.

"I know," He smirked, "I love you too."

Silence fell over us again and I was suddenly feeling nauseous. I nibbled on my lip and nicked the skin with my fangs. A small amount of blood glided over my tongue and down my throat.

"Hungry?" He asked. I nodded and massaged the bridge of my nose.

It was more the baby than me, or it was us both now that we are no longer human. My unborn child was going to be a PureBlood like Julian.

"I still can't comprehend any of this — just yesterday I was human along with my child. Julian will hunt us to the ends of the earth, just for this baby." I groaned.

I never thought that I'd become like this. I never even thought I'd be sold as a slave to a vampire. My nightmare is no longer a nightmare — I'm wide awake but I'm not alive.

This was the life I was given; the life I was born into — being captured by Vampires was bound to happen, I just assumed I'd be killed on the spot.

"It all backfired quickly, huh?" He glanced at his brothers corpse.

"It truly did." I answered.

The moment we reached the town I noticed many people hiding in the shadows. Cowering in fear.

"This was Max's safe house, there is a trap door that leads under ground so that way if Julian does come for us; we can escape." Stark addressed.

I gave a firm nod and glanced over my shoulder as the sun lowered into the distance, leaving nothing but the swirls of colours to fade.

Stark wanted to bury his brother, to put him at peace for good. We came to the conclusion that if we were to purchase a coffin; Julian would surely find out — we decided no coffin, just to lay him under the dirt and be one with the earth.

We stared at the small lump in the dirt, tears in our eyes as the sun completely vanished, leaving us under the stars, in the moonlight.

I rubbed my eyes as I sobbed like a child. I tried to protect them both, even though Christian wasn't really my favourite, he still helped me when Stark couldn't.

Life wasn't anything that I expected, life turned out to be a living nightmare. But, the moment this child comes into the world, it'll be brighter.

"Goodbye brother." Stark whispered, turned on his heel and stroked my back.

"Let's head inside and get the two of you fed." He added. I nodded and followed close behind.

I didn't expect him to stay with me and raise the child with me, it's not his afterall.

"The baby will be born quicker now that we're immortal, correct?" I asked.

"Yes, although once he or she reaches a certain age, their growth will freeze, I just hope it'll be older than my sister." He answered.

"Sister?" I asked.

"She stopped ageing at two, my father had to get rid of her after our mother — she was frozen in time, stuck being a toddler. Of course she had no idea what was going on, I hope she and Christian are somewhere together." Stark pondered.

"They're happy together, dancing with the stars above us." I whispered. Stark scoffed and grabbed my hand.

"I hope so." He mumbled dragging me to our little home. I smiled to myself and embraced his touch, his hand gave me comfort and his smile gave me hope.

We will be happy here, no matter what the reason is, we'll manage and we'll have a family soon enough.

A family, huh? How lucky.

If my parents were looking down on me right now, they'd be jumping with joy.


Authors Note:

Hey everyone. One more chapter to go and the book will be completed. I'm so happy with how many people are loving my book and how many people leave sweet comments. It warms my heart!

Are you all prepared for the final chapter?

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