Killer | Chapter 32

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Nearly everday I was vomiting, I tried to be discreet so Julian didn't find out. I couldn't shake Christian's warning, it was as if in a way he was trying to protect me — Julian's closest friend was trying to protect me?

I shuddered at the thought of Christian betraying Julian. Everything would become chaotic and he'd probably not only kill me but, Christian and his whole family.

It made me wonder whether or not Stark knew anything, or if he had a plan of his own. I sighed as I slumped into the tub of warm water, submerging myself under the clear liquid.

Julian was already busy preparing for a war between The NightBloods Clan and The PureBloods. It was crazy to think about — a war between vampires.

The baby bump had only gotten bigger in the past week, but, Julian believes I'm getting chubby from two meals a day. I was pleased with his amount of stupidity.

I groaned while I dried myself off and quickly headed for the kitchen for my lunch. I silently brushed past Stark who continued to ignore my entire existence. A part of me was depressed that he wouldn't talk to me, I wanted his attention, I wanted to see him smile again.

I hurried to the kitchen still wearing my bath rob and noticed Julian nibbling on a cracker. I raised a brow and stopped directly in front of him.

"Don't eat all of the crackers, I need some to go with my soup." I groaned. Julian sighed and handed me a handful.

"The maid is preparing the soup. Let me know how it tastes, so I can determine whether or not I can dispose of her or allow her to work here." He sat down at the table and raised his gaze to meet mine.

My breath caught in my throat as hos forest green eyes wandered down my body.

"I-I'm sure it'll be delicious." I stuttered. The intensity of his eyes on my body was enough to paralize me.

"You look much better like this, you were much too skinny before. I'm glad our deal worked out perfectly." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and sat across the table. I rubbed my tired eyes and tucked my wet hair behind my ears as I cowered under his gaze.

"So, The NightBloods Clan, are they powerful?" I asked.

"Of course, but they could never compare to my Clan. We're stronger, faster, and we're more intelligent. They have no idea what they have coming." Julian groaned.

I gave a small nod afriad to press him with any other questions but my curiosity had gotten the better of me.

"Are they as evil as you?" I asked.

Julian chuckled and massaged the birdge of his nose before meeting my gaze.

"Not at all, they're a bunch of softies. Not all vampires are evil, not all wish to rule Humanity either." Julian answered honestly. I nodded as I chewed my lip.

Stark was defiently one of tbe sofies, he was kind to me, a Human that was nothing. I smiled slightly and instantly froze. I raised my eyes to meet Julians gaze, anger replaced his soft expression that he had warn moments ago.

I hesitated and sniffed the air.

"That soup smells delicious! I can't wait to eat —" I began.

"What the hell was that smile? Do you think you'll escape and run to them, huh? Do you honestly believe that anyone would want a damaged girl?" He clenched his fists and reached for me but I flinched away.

"W-wait! You got it all wrong! That's not what I was thinking about. I only love you!" I lied. Julian angerily stood and appeared behind me and put his hands to my throat.

"Oh do I?! What are you plotting, my dear Samantha?" He gripped tightly and I gasped.

"Asshole! If I was plotting something, you'd already know!" I cried as I clutched his hands. He chuckled and brought his lips to my ear.

"You mean that little plan between you and my friends over at the werewolve cabin? Oh, I've heard all about it from Ruth when I drained her blood." He smiled evily.

I tried to elbow him as his grip continued to grow tighter.

"You've got it wrong!" I cried.

"Oh, but, she wouldn't tell me a certain secret that you two shared." He hissed.

"I-I'll tell you the secret! Please let me go!" I whimpered. Julian's grasp eased as he waited for me to tell him.

"Well, go on then." He hissed.

I took a deep breath and glanced over my shoulder and met his enraged gaze.

"I had a plan!" I cried. He nodded and raised his brows waiting me to continue. "I was trying to get you to fall in love with me. Christian could tell you that! He heard the conversation!"

I unintentionally threw Christian into the mix. Julian gritted his teeth but he let go of me and sat back in his seat with a smug smile.

While I tried to catch my breath the makd appeared and placed the bowl of soup in front of me. I cleared my throat and blinked away the tears that formed in my eyes.

I grabbed the spoon and sipped on the hot broth. I happily swollowed the sweet and satly liquid and closed my eyes as if to try and remember the taste.

"I love it." I announced. The maids body relaxed as Julian gave her the all clear. I glanced at him as he munched on a cracker as if nothing had happened just a moment ago.

My thoughts traveled to Ruth. She shouldn't have accepted death to keep this pregnancy a secret. Poor Max, loosing his wife by his killer best friend. I groaned as I continued to eat my soup with a fake smile that was plastered on my face. I couldn't hint anything, I had to be careful. At this point I wasn't completely sure If Julian was sane or just a psychopath who was ready to self destruct at any given time. 

Julian was a ticking time bomb ready to explode, and I didn't want to be in the center of the explosion. I had to protect myself and my unborn child from this monster. 

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