Boruto nodded his head, "Auntie wei please don't die!" He cried as he ran over to her. He looked at his dad, and said, "Dad, get aunt sakuwa!!"

"It's too late for me Boruto..." she coughed. "You have to save Himawari... they took her.. the ones with their face covered and capes... save her Boruto!!! Only you can!!" She coughed. "At the park... they're at the park." She let her head fall, and tongue fall out of her mouth as her eyes closed.

"Nooooooooooo!!!!!" Naruto yelled, shaking his fists to the sky. "Why her?!! Why!!"

"Auntie Wei!!" Boruto cried, alligator tears. "Dad this is all my fault.. I've been a bad boy." He cried. "Go save Himawari Dad!"

Naruto shook his head. "No way Boruto. Auntie Rei's last dying wish was for you to save Himawari. Only you can do it.."

Boruto sniffed, his tears slowing down. His fists balled up by his side. "Yeah youwe white! I'll save my sis!!! It's up to me. Auntie Wei I'm sowwy, and I will always love you."

He ran downstairs, and out the door, he didn't take notice of Jirauto sitting on the couch watching tv with Himawari in his lap.

Naruto, and Rei waited till they heard the door slam, then they both burst out of laughing. "Pfffft!!! You had the best scream ever!!" Rei laughed, holding her stomach.

"Your leg had me scared for a second. It was twisted so weird!!" Naruto wiped the tears from his eyes.

Rei stood up, still laughing. "Okay let me go get cleaned up so we can finish the plan."

Jirauto shook his head at his father when Naruto walked down the steps. "You guys are going to killed by mom."

*** meanwhile with Boruto

Boruto kept running not looking where he was going, all he could think about was saving his sister.

"Whooaaa!!" He shouted as he tripped over his own foot. He winced at the slight hit to the ground.

"Boruto?! Are you okay?!"

"Mom!" He burst into tears again at the sight of his mom.

"Huh? Boruto?" Sakura asked, stepping from around Hinata. What was he doing on the streets?

Hinata picked up Boruto into her arms, a frown set on her face.

"Mom, Auntie Wei is dead, and Himawawi is gone."

Naruto, and Rei, who was walking down the street with their costumes on, quickly hid. They gulped as the looked at each other.

Jirauto was sitting on the ledge with Himawari in his lap as he watched the scene.

"Dead?? Gone?!" Sakura, and Hinata repeated. There's no way Rei could be dead. Something smelt fishy.

Boruto nodded his head, sniffing. "Yeah dead. Auntie Wei told me I have to save Himawawi, and dad said he couldn't do it, he said only me. But I'm scawed, mommy!"

Sakura eyes were narrowed, and Hinata's frown was now a straight line. They both understood the same thing, Naruto was going to get it. And Rei was going to wish she was actually dead.

"It's okay Boruto, mommy and Sakura are going to fix everything." Hinata spoke softly.

"Oh shit. She's angry." Naruto whispered. "Like extremely angry."

An idea popped into Rei's head. "Okay follow my lead." She threw off her ghost costume, Naruto took his mask, and cape. "Poker face, Naruto."

She popped up out her hiding space, Naruto followed, trying to look innocent as possible.

"Hinata, Sakura?? You guys found Boruto for us? Thank god. We've been looking for him forever"  Rei called out, feigning surprise.

Boruto's head popped up from his mom's shoulders, his eyes wide. "Go, Go, Go, Gost!!!" He shouted. "Auntie Wei is a Gost!!"

Naruto scratched the back of his neck, "Boruto, what are you talking about? And you're in a lot of trouble mister. Sneaking outside to play at the park."

Sakura put her hand on her hip, and pointed at them. "What are you two playing at?"

Rei tilted her head, her blue eyes portraying innocence. "What on earth do you mean, Sakura?"


Naruto, and Rei froze at Hinata's voice. Uh oh. She meant business.

"Yes, darling?" Naruto said, laughing meekly.

Hinata chuckled, darkly as she placed Boruto down. "Darling, Huh?" She activated her Byakugan. He only called her darling when he was guilty of something.

The last thing they heard was "Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist!"


Himawari started laughing, and clapping her hands. Sakura, and Himata looked up to see Jirauto, and Himawari.

"I told them you were going to kill them." Jirauto said.

Shikamaru shook his head at the scene in front of him. Rei was holding a frozen bag of peas on her side, and Naruto was completely knocked out on the couch.

Rei reached her hand out to him, and said, "You have to carry me. My body aches, Sakura was not very gentle."

Shikamaru heard about what happen from Sakura, Sakura told him he'd probably want to go pick up his wife. She had put some strength behind her punch.

"You're so troublesome, you know that?" Shikamaru sighed.

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