"OKAY! We can stop the reminiscing right there!" I'm sure my face was beat red. I fully understand the miracle of life and how you have to feed your pups, but I do not want to hear about it from my mom. Renee snickered by my side. She was a lot more open to the sexual side of things, hearing about how my mother used to feed me didn't bother her one bit. Her parents are also the pack doctors so she hears a lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude but that doesn't mean I'm comfortable with it all either. I've never had a boyfriend, so any "experience" I have is from reading or when my mom goes off on one of her talks. It's just awkward.

"Annie, it's just breast feeding there's nothing to be ashamed of!" My mother explained as if I didn't understand that already.

"Why are we talking about breast this early in the morning?" My dad said as he sauntered into the kitchen. "Unless it's about yours my darling mate, then keep talking." My dad started nuzzling my mom's neck making her giggle like a school girl. Then there is my parents, they act like freshly mated wolves most of the time. Sometimes David and I have to remind them that we are still in the room, those times have me scarred for life. As gross as it is, it does make me happy to see them so in love with each other after all these years. Their eyes light up when they see or talk about the other one, it would be awe worthy if they weren't my parents. It makes me wishful and happy to see it though, I hope to have that with my mate.

"William stop. We aren't alone." My mom said as she smacked him with a towel and nodded to me and Renee and then David who was sitting at the table with his headphones in oblivious to anything going on around him.

"Fine, but we are finishing this later." My father whispered in my mom's ear, which really wasn't a whisper considering we were all werewolves and could hear him.

"Good morning girls." My father greeted me and Renee.

"Morning Uncle Alf." Renee said. Renee was the only person outside of our family who could get away with greeting my dad in that way, if anyone else in the pack tried that they would be punished. Renee was smart enough not to address him like that in front of anyone else from the pack though.

"Morning Dad." I said as Renee and I sat down at the island with plates of mom's pancakes in front of us.

"Annie, a few things about tomorrow." My dad started just as I was getting ready to shove a mouthful of pancake in my mouth. "I've asked Sam to escort you to the party, unless you have someone already." It's a good thing I hadn't taken that bite of pancakes because I would now be choking.

"Uh oh.." Muttered Renee and she proceeded to stuff pancake in her mouth.

"Dad you didn't?! I don't need an escort! The point of this party is for me to find my mate, not to go with a date!" I can't believe my dad has done this to me. First off, how embarrassing to have your dad set up a date for you, and secondly he set it up with Sam! A guy who would rather be my dad's escort instead of mine!

"Willy honey, why don't we let Annie make her entrance alone? We wouldn't want to upset her mate if we have her walking in on another males arm. How about this, Sam can be her escort IF she doesn't find her mate tomorrow night. Does that sound good to everyone?" She said all this while rubbing my dad's head, his known weakness. My mom knew that Sam would be my last choice for a mate if I had the choice.

"Hmmph. I guess you're right but I don't like the idea of Annie traveling there alone." My dad said.

"Dad it's not even that far." I started to argue. Seriously I was the future Luna of this pack, traveling ten minutes to the Pavilion hall is nothing.

"I'll go with her Uncle Alf! She won't be alone and I won't make her mate mad." Renee volunteered and I shot her a grateful look.

"Fine. I'll allow it but just for the record I think Sam should be escorting you. I want you to promise me something though." My dad stopped making sure he had my attention. "I want you to promise to be open to the idea of taking Sam as your mate if you do not find yours tomorrow night. Most likely it will be Sam anyways but just in case I want you to promise me that you will make him a top choice if you have to consider another for your mate. Sam would make any female a perfectly suitable mate, and an excellent future Alpha to this pack." My father smiled, kissed my mom and then walked out the door before I could even form a response. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Sam had somehow tricked my dad into thinking he is this great guy.

"Annie darling, back to the breast feeding, you need to start being more open to things like that. Boobs, sex, the male anatomy. I mean you could find your mate tomorrow, and you know he's going to expect sexual things from you eventually. That's just what mates do! You'll want to do them too, you need to be prepared! And of course you're going to have cubs one day, how do you plan on feeding them if you can't even hear about how I breast fed you?" My mom gave me a questioning look.

"Mom! My main concern right now is to not fail chemistry, not how I'm going to feed my non-existent cubs." Honestly. Love my mom to death but sometimes she can be a little.... much.

"Auntie Lu your 100% right, Annie should be worried about all those things and how to please her mate. Do you see what she is wearing? Dull. Just dull." I shot daggers at Renee who gave me a sheepish smile.

"All right that's it we are leaving!" I said as I scooted my chair out and looked longingly at the pancakes that were left lonely on my plate. I really wanted to finish them but it was time to get out of here before my mom and Renee decide I need the birds and the bees talk or goddess knows what else.

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