undercover ❁ d.s

Start from the beginning

"(y/n) why are you still awake" a tear rolled down your face as you head his voice husky from sleep but so perfect in every way.

"I- uh couldn't stop thinking.." you stutter turning while wiping the tears. You were crying about him, you were crying because whatever you did Corbyn would never let you be with him and if you even told Daniel your feeling he would definitely not like you in the same way, let's be real you were just an average sibling, he's a POPSTAR. His arms laced around you pulling you into a deep hug that would always comfort you.

"It's okay, I couldn't either." He sighed picking up your attention as you stepped away picking up the glass you'd just been drinking out of before looking across at guessing must be Jack's loose change laid on the bench.

"Penny for your thoughts?" You said picking up a random coin on the bench which caused him to chuckle.

"Nah mines stupid." He said taking the coin for your hand grazing over it slower then he would usually.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He said smirking as you smiled. You were not going to confess your feelings so you shook your head quickly placing the cup in the sink and trying to walk away but you being you tripped on nothing landing straight into his arms his hands grasping on your sides which stayed on your hips.

"(y/n) I'm going to give that penny to you and just tell, I like you, not like that but like something more, ever since I laid eyes on you I thought you were something completely different and special. I can never get you out of my head and you are slowly driving me crazy.. I-I love you..." He whispered leaning down to join your lips together, which you kissed back instantly, the sparks flowing down your veins. Needing air you pulled away softly

"Daniel... I love you too.."

Did Corbyn ever find out? Once again, of course not. Had things changed since that night, yes. You did everything in the covers from kissing to dates, all at night or as "best friends" during the day which Corbyn didn't mind, you being close with him. You'd asked Corbyn on multiple occasions if he'd ever let you date someone and his answer was always sharp. No. But still you spent time with Daniel, he asked you to be his one night under the stars on the roof and he was everything you needed. You just wished Corbyn would let you, then everything would be perfect. Jack had discovered you two kissing in his closest and was honestly gobsmacked but simply replied with

"I knew it"

before telling them that he'd never tell Corbyn as long as he bought cheese itz for him when he wanted which was an easy bargain.

Now you just dating for over 10 months, just lived behind doors and spent every moment you could with him which now included spending nights in his bed...




"Mmm What?"

"Get up."

"Dani no."

"Come on."

"No." You're eyes stayed glue shut as you waited for the response to echo through the room. His weight shifted in the bed till you felt a soft pair of lips push against yours passionately but gently, moving in sync with yours.

"Come on." He said briskly pulling out of the kiss

"How about a few more kisses and I will" he scoffed before placing multiple kisses around your face till you squirmed around away from him. You rolled your eyes but you were interrupted by Jack running in.

"Quick he's coming, he's actually up early!" He whisper yelled causing you to sprint to the closest while Daniel grabbed all your stuff through it under the blanket along with himself. As you slide the door closed he slide in on his socks looking at Daniel directly.

"Hey Dani, have you seen (y/n) she's not in her room or anywhere"

"No sorry maybe she went on a run? I just woke up"

"Mmm that's probably right her phone wasn't there.. thanks bro" He said walking out of the room as Daniel exhaled. He thanked Jack who left before you peeped out of the cupboard to check if the coast was clear.

"Great I have to run now." You said peaking his lips taking away your phone, lip balm and drink bottle

"Haha just get in the shower quickly and I'll say I saw you walk in" he said flashing his award winning smile which never ceased to make your heart leap a little. Grunting you saluted him turning back once for a kiss before making it way to your bedroom.

Still holding your favourite thing as a secret.


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