37. 👨🏾‍🔧A pair of bibs👨🏾‍🔧

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It was already late in the evening as a dark silhouette quietly ran through the empty hallways of a school. Too late for anyone to be around, the principal thought as he signed some last papers. He didn't notice the blurry shadow that went over to the P.E. equipment room and grabbed the largest baseball bat he could find. He didn't notice the same shadow hiding within his kind between the lockers. He didn't notice anything for he was tired and hungry as he left and locked his office. He wasn't even surprised as his way down the hallway found an abrupt end due to a dark person jumping infront of him. The man was taller than him anyways but his towering, lurking position in the dusky dark made him look even more dangerous. Revenge glowed deep inside his soft, brown eyes and he raised the bat, clenched it with both of his sweating, trembling hands. The principal flinched a little until he recognized the janitor Bibs.
"What is a true man doing here at this time?", the principal asked through the pulsating silence.
"I've come to kill you." Bibs voice was filled with an adamant undertone which the principal didn't know from the loyal janitor. Only his eyes told about the uncertainty which was obviously creeping up on him.
"May I ask you why, Bibs?" The principal didn't want to show his confusion but couldn't help it resonating within his question. "What have I ever done to you?" The principal didn't pause although he noticed that Bibs prepared to speak. "You are a good man, Bibs. You are loyal and true. Why would you do such a thing?"
"'Cause you'd call me like this! Since then I've rarely heard someone say my real name. Since then I feel my name's being forgotten and with it also a part of myself. I don't feel a whole man, and that's 'cause of you!"
The principal tried not to look too surprised. In fact, he was sad because Bibs was so mad about his nickname. "That's the reason?"
The janitor nodded.
"I'm so very sorry, my friend, that I've made you unhappy! You could've come to me earlier and tell me about it."
Now the janitors shoulders slumped down together with the huge baseball bat in his hand. And indeed, he looked very lost in this moment.
"Then..." The principal hesitated.
But the janitor understood immediately. "My name's Ralph Mumsford."
"It's an interesting name", the principal answered a little bit too fast. "But not very English, is it?"
Mr. Mumsford slowly swayed his head to both sides. "Aye, I suppose you're right." He nodded his head in agreement. "But... It's pretty late."
"What do you mean?"
"Too late for you to be here. You should already be eating supper with your wife."
The tired sigh that had come out of the principals throat echoed from the high walls of the hallway. "I'm a busy man", the principal answered thoughtfully.
"I know right", Mr. Mumsford murmured.
"But... I believe you're right, Mr. Mumsford. It's late. My wife's waiting at home", the principal continued as if the janitor had never interrupted him.
Mr. Mumsford stepped out of the way without another word.
"Good night, Mr. Mumsford", said the principal and tapped on the janitors shoulder of the arm that had intended to kill him tonight. The bat fell out of his tired hand and the echo captivated within the hallways shattered the principal to the bones.
Oddly he was relieved as he opened the front door and smelled the fresh evening breeze coming from the little forest behind the school. He was relieved to leave behind the sound of despair running endlessly through the school searching for something that can never be found.
As the principal reached his car he turned around a last time just to see that the slumped shape hadn't moved yet. Instead, he glanced into the darkness as if something there had caught his attention. A wave of tearfulness rolled over the principal.
He stared into the building until Mr. Mumsford had turned off all the lights.


Alle Rechte obliegen natürlich dem Autor, Larry French, der Mr. Mumsford in der Originalfassung verfasst hat. Ich habe es - auch im Rahmen einer Englisch-Aufgabe - umgeschrieben, aber auch aus persönlichen Gründen. Einmal finde ich diese kleine Geschichte unglaublich faszinierend und zum anderen wollte ich neben Grammatik auch das Beschreiben und Schreiben in Englisch üben. Ja, es mag noch einige Grammatikfehler geben, aber ich hoffe, dass sie nicht so grob sind, dass sie das Verständnis beeinträchtigen.

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