48. 🗣️💬They say🗣️🗯️

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They say to always walk in light,
So I can clearly see
The path that lies beforehand me,
And dark can never get to me
And steal my pretty heart.

They say to never walk in dark,
For I will trip and fall.
And getting up is hard for me
Espec'lly when my eyes can't see
The stony road ahead.

They say to never walk alone
'Cause death is merciless.
It takes those wandering 'round first
And those alone the second,
And never gives them back.

They say t'be ever just and fair
As much as one can be.
For's long as this my good life lasts
It will be turning all things vast
Into beautiful creation.

But when I wander in the dark
I find myself mostly in awe.
It is beautiful at last,
The air as fresh as icy glass
Hiding what daylight couldn't.

So I never listened when people talked
'bout the night and dangers hidden
I found my cover in the dark
To hide my secrets and my mark
And got lost completely.

ALL THAT I AM /empty poetry\Where stories live. Discover now