52. ✨💨Breathing stars💨✨

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They were whizz kids,

But no one could see.

They breathed in the stars

And breathed out stories.

They were only so small

And the world was so big.

They got lost in the mess

Caused by this bliss.

There was a river of pure starlight

Flowing endlessly in gay attire.

It was his favourite drink to date

To quench his thirst and still his heart

Of all of his desire.

He lived his life in eternal dawn,

To keep the river glowing.

It was neither day nor night.

Flaws hidden within dim light.

And so his life kept going .

The light he drank mingled with his soul.

It lit up the dark spaces.

He poured them out, with black and blue

On paper white, with eyes so true,

His eyes honest as he gazes.

The truth he spoke echoed from the walls

And freed the souls around him.

While he liberated all,

He found himself to still be caught

In the gentle light so dim.

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