46. 🖼️ ℳ𝒾𝓇𝓇ℴ𝓇 🖼️

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Mirror, mirror on the wall.
You've seen me rise, you've seen me fall.
You know the darkest parts of me.
Some things that they won't ever see.
You know every scar of mine
They never stayed for longer time.
You've witnessed when I felt the pain.
You've learned with time it leads to gain.
Gain of strength and wiser soul.
Gentleness, this was my goal.
You've heard me whisper in the dark
In lonely nights of my good heart.
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
You know not of this fight at all.
'Cause I smile strong and carry on
Although there is so much I've won.
I cannot bear to see the truth,
How weak and vulnerable my youth.
How fast my courage fades away,
When I get home after the day.
Maybe that's why I try to fight
So I can look at you each night.

ALL THAT I AM /empty poetry\Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt