Bad news on the phone

Start from the beginning

"Don't let him be alone" Guggi ended. It was the first time Guggi didn't sound happy or laughed. He was the funniest man in the planet, but today, he seemed everything but that

"I won't. I promise" Sun said "I'll go with him now"

"I'll be leaving to Sydney tomorrow morning, I'll see him there, ok?" Guggi said

"Please Guggi, tell me if there's anything you need. Take care of him, ok?" She said sweetly

"I will" Guggi replied and hanged

Sun went down to look for him. Bono was sitting still in the bench, with his sight lost looking nowhere. She sat next to him and just stayed there in silence. Bono grabbed her hand and squeezed it. They stayed like that for some minutes until Bono let a though go out

"Why everyone I love goes like this?" He said out loud, like asking someone, maybe god, for an answer.

Sun looked at him and caressed his hand as he was still staring a pointless place.

"I wish I had the answer" she said

They stayed like that for a long time, until sunset became night. Both were in silence. Bono was lost into his pain and Sun was there, by his side, just letting him know she was there whenever he needed her.

"I need to get a flight to Sydney" He finally said, still not looking at her, just at a pointless place

"I'll get a ticket for you. Let's go home. It's getting windy and it's almost midnight" She said

Bono didn't answer. He just stood up and grabbed Sun's hand. She squeezed it, like letting him know she was there, with him. He looked at her with a cute face and walked to her house.

"Go take a shower and leave me your ID so I can get you the plane ticket" She said as Bono left and brought her his ID

She saw his smiley face on his ID and Passport and then looked at him. He was definitely broken.

Sun got him the first flight to Sydney departing midday. Bono finally got off the shower and looked for her.

She was the kitchen making some coffe, when she smelt his perfume. He hugged her tight from behind and bursted into tears. All the pain he was retaining finally went out of him in those tears andheavy breathing. She just let him cry and caressed his arms that where clutched on her stomach. Only after a long minutes, he stopped crying and kept hugging her, but less tightly.

She turned and faced him. Sun lifted his chin and looked at his fragile blue eyes

"I'm here, ok? Any time, every time" She said

He nodded and sat on the kitchen table in silence, looking at her making the coffee.

He didn't even take a sip. Just stare at his cup and remained silent. Sun had a few sips and looked at him.

"Let's go to bed, ok?" She said as he nodded

It was summer midnight. Sun opened the bedroom window to let the summer breeze get inside. She took her clothes off and got into bed only wearing her underwear and Bono wearing his boxers.

They lay sideways, looking at each other. Sun caressed his hair while looking at him. He looked at her with a lovely and painful face. She was playing with her fingers and tangling them into his black hair when she started singing in Spanish, with a very soft and sweet voice. Bono got surprised and amazed by that. He didn't know what she was singing but he felt hope in her voice and that made him felt safe.

Un lago en el cielo
Es mi regalo

Puede que no haya certezas
Pero quiero hacerte sentir
Hacerte sentir
Algo que nunca sentiste

Vamos despacio
Para encontrarnos
El tiempo es arena en mis manos
Sé por tus marcas
Cuanto has amado
Más de lo que prometiste

Si adelanté no me hagas caso
A veces no puedo con la soledad

Sos el paisaje más soñado
Y sacudiste las más sólidas tristezas
Y respondiste cada vez que te he llamado

Sos el paisaje más soñadoY sacudiste las más sólidas tristezasY respondiste cada vez que te he llamado

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A  lake in the sky
It's  my gift to you

There may be no certainties
But I want to make you feel something
Make you feel
Something you've never felt before

Let's go slow
To find each other
Time is sand in my hands
I know by your marks
How much have you've loved
More than what you promised

If I went ahead, do not pay attention to me
Sometimes I can't handle the loneliness

You are the most dreamed landscape
And you shook the most solid sorrows
And you answered every time I called you

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