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I was in bed,listening to Demi's radio,I got an idea,I grabbed my phone and called in,"We got a caller," she spoke,"Hello,what's your name and where you from?" she asked,I sighed,"I'm Adam and I'm from Dallas,Texas." I really didn't care if she found out who I was.

"Okay,what may I help you with?" she didn't sound chirpy,like usual,"Um...I punched my fiance...and I don't know what to do...I'm very confused..." I sighed,"Well...did you mean it?" she asked,"No,I didn't,Demi..I punched because of foolishness and stupidity...I was mad and stress...I hope she would understand that  I would never ever of done and I've been regretting everyday...I just don't know what to do."

"I think...once she is away from the people,and have time to think,I think she'll find her way to talk to you." she said,I smiled a little,"Thanks Demi,thanks for the advice." I sighed,"Is there a song you want to play,"Um...she knows her favorite song. Bye." I hung up,she started playing her favorite song,I smiled. 

I got up and headed to the shower. 


I slipped on jeans and I zipped up my jacket and slipped on my hood,I got into my car and I headed to the store to buy me some groceries. 

I pulled into a parking lot and hopped out,I headed inside the store. I grabbed myself a cart and headed to an aisle,I kept my hood on at all times,I headed to the chip/snack asile,I stopped and thought about which chips I wanted.

"I'll get the fucking  chips,mom!" a woman cussed,I looked over and she frozed,it was Demi,she had on a hood aswell,we stood there,just looking at each other.  

"Demi,come on." Dallas walked in,I looked down,I grabbed some chips and I threw them in my cart and turned around and I headed to the next asile.

Demi's POV.

"Were you talking to him?" Dallas glared,"You're are getting on my nerves!" I rolled my eyes,I threw chips in the cart and walked away,I walked to my mom,"I got the chips,can we head home now?" I whined,"Yeah." we headed to the check out. I picked up Nash as my mom checked out.

"Hey baby."  I threw him in the air,watching him smile.

"Okay,let's go." she said and we followed her to the car,I got Nash in his carseat,then I helped putting the groceries in the trunk. Once I was finished,I got in the car and headed home,I can't stand living here with them any longer.

I was the first one to get out of the car with Nash,I headed to the bedroom that I was staying in,"It's okay,baby boy..we're going home." I laid him on the bed and started packing our clothes.


I carried Nash and my suitcase to my car,"Demetria! Where you going!?" Dallas caught me,"You better not be going back." she crossed her arms,"YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER,DALLAS. I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. I'M NOT THE PATHETIC LOW LIFE STILL LIVING WITH MOM AND DAD. Now goodbye." I got Nash in the car,then I got in and drove to Joe's.


I got Nash out and headed inside,"Look,Kevin,I don't want an---" he turned around,"Hi.." he looked at me,"Hold on.." I went to put Nash in his play pin up in his room,then I headed downstairs. "Hey..." I looked at him,he put the celery down and walked out of the kitchen.

"Just....tell...tell me why you did it..." I backed up a little,"I stressed and upset..I know I shouldn't of done it...I don't know what came over me...." he sighed,I looked at him,then I sighed,"I hate myself for what I did...I broke our promise...I told you I wouldn't hurt you,but I did.." he sighed,I bit my lip,"I knew you didn't mean...that night I could tell by your face...I kept telling my parents that you didn't mean it...but they didn't believe me....I wanted to talk to you the day you came by...but I was confused." I sighed.

"I would say sorry,but sorry wouldn't be enough.." he looked at me,"You know what I want to hear.." I bit my lip,"What do you wanna hear? That these past days have been hell? That I was a mess without you and Nashville? That I didn't leave our bed because I was a wreck...that my brother dragged me to the gym and I boxed,until I remember that night and I fell to the ground and cried...That I took our bedroom Tv downstairs,because of you being on the news. I need you,Demetria Lovato." Joe looked at me.

I ran into his arms,he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We just stood there in each other's arms."I miss you,Joe." I looked at his eyes,"I miss you too..." he looked at me,"I won't ever put my hand on her like that,EVER again." he looked at me.

I nodded,"So what are we having for Dinner?" I got off at him,"Joe's special spaghetti." he headed to the kitchen,"Yummy." I smiled,I headed to the wine room,I picked out a red whine,then I got two glasses and poured some in each glass,I took a sip.

"i might have to invite Nick over tomorrow..and talk to him.." Joe chopping the hamburger meat,"Why,what's wrong with him?" I asked,"Apparently Jordan is pregnant and Nick became a whimp and left her,but I didn't ask why because I was to upset with us.." Joe said, I kissed his cheek,"Maybe while he's here,he can help us record more of our music,since I'm off tomorrow." I smiled,"I'm  going to check on Nash."


"Had fun with Nash?" I put the covers on us,once Joe climbed into bed,"We played,we sang,we read,and he fell asleep." he smiled,I laid my chin on his chest,looking at him,he looked at my eye,he sighed,"What?" I looked at him.

"I don't know why you came back...and now everytime I see your black eye,I'll remember...you deserve better." he looked at me,"I've been kicked and been through worse,than just a punch,to be honest...I can handle this...I can always put makeup." I kissed his chin,"I don't want  anybody else,I want you. I want you to be the father to my children." I kissed his lips.

"I love you so much." he put his hand in my hair,"I love you more." I pecked his lips,"So much that I think we should wait on sex until our honeymoon." I grinned,"What,why? That's stupid." Joe pouted."I think it's cute...my friend did it and it's just 2 months,babe. You can live." I smiled,I rolled over and turned off my lamp.

"Yeah right,I'm a man,I can't control myself. Especially with you." he turned off his lamp and pulled my close.


So for this marathon...I'm hoping it reaches to a special chapter...and that chapter/parts will have alot of Rated R junk...you cool?


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