"O-okay. Well I best be off." He smiled slightly and ran off. It wasn't his fault. It was mine. He was too young to understand this.

I walked past the Tree and followed the pathway all the way to the end of the walkway. Literally. It had  come to a skinny end and a high perch. Part of the stone wall had been broken and opened up to make the perch. I sat down and let my feet dangle. I looked down. Wow we were high up. I sat there, looking out on the land, Mordor in my line of sight. I squinted my eyes and looked at it deep and hard. Dark red smoke blazed up from the giant Mountain. I had a sense that Mordor used to be a place of good. Not dark and evil. But something happened there that changed the reputation and fate of the Mountain. I watched as the small clourd loomed closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger like a thick black smoke from a chimney. 

"Quite the sight to look at. Mind if I join?" Farmair asked, from behind. I was careful not to startle, because of I did, then I would possibly fall off and die.

"No, go ahead." I forced a smile and scooted over. "Did you grow up looing at Mordor?" I asked him.

"Yes. Yes I did. Every morning. It lay dormant, so I was not afriad of it. But now, I fear its's exsitence." he sighed and sat down. 

"Yeah...I can understand that." I said in mono tone. 

"So...Pippin and his vows...you aren't pleased. I could tell."

"Ya think? I wanted us to live free. But now he has condemmed himself to your father. Who really isn't a great person. No offense."

"None taken, but I think that he is going slightly mad. Ever since he lost Boromir. But you are welcome to stay in my home as long as Pippin stays here." Faramir offered.

"Thank you. Really. But I think that I should go to where I came from. My elven roots. I want to live with them if I won't have Pippin. Maybe they'll help me raise the baby. You never know."

"Ah, I see. Well keep this in mind, Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is make choices. Make sure yours is the right one." He ruffled my ahir and patted my back, then left. I sat on the ledge for a long amount of time, thinking about what Faramir had said. I groaned and got up from teh perch. I was going to walk down to the market maybe and just browse, beg for money. Who knows. My life has gone and changed.

"Ali! Wait!" I heard someone call my name in a distinct tone. I turned around.

"Peregrin Took, I want nothing to do with you anymore! You went off and pledged you fealty to some man we just met because Boromir died! Died on MY watch! I thought we were to stay together. Once this War is over, you still have to stay. And I hope you know damn well that I am NOT staying here. I will go back to Mirkwood!" I yelled at him. 

"But I had to! It was the right thing to do! I felt guilty! Please...don't." He begged. 

"That is it! Maybe when the Final War is over, I can reconsider staying, but right now, it isn't looking so bright." I told him and stomped off. 


Pippin stood there, after Alice left, feeling horrible and guilty, but slight anger toward his wife. What was he supposed to do? Leave that man to deal with a horrible burden by himself. THe least he could do was help Denethor somehow and that was to work for  him. But of course he did not consult with Alice. That could have been the biggest mistake ever. He may never get his Ali back. Pippin was in total stress. He left and went back into the Dome buidling.


I traveled down to the market and decided to make do with the rest of the time that I had left today. I had only yet to wait what tomorrow might bring. So for today I was going to take a break. The market was now busier than ever. Every single kind of person flocked to the main lever market. Guards, kings men, peasants, and house mothers. I wandered along the stalls, peering in to see what they were selling. Each time I did, they asked me if I wanted to buy anything. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz