Smiles Training

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Smile woke up before Sally and had fallen off the bed. He struggled to get on the bed again, so he whimpered for Sally to get up.

"Mm? Smile how did you get down." Yawned Sally.

Smile barked and headed out to the front door.

"Hey, wait up." Sally tripped over her shoe.

Sally got dressed as quickly as possible to catch up to Smile. She ran downstairs and saw Smile scratching the front door.

"Need to do your business?" Laughed Sally.

Sally opened the door and Smile ran out like a rocket. He did what he needed to do and tilted his head sideways while looking at Sally.

"Today's a big day buddy. Time to go training. I know going on your first killing spree might be nervous, but that's what Jeff did to me and it felt great. As we go into our first victims house, I will teach you some fighting skills and how to run so that you won't get tired as easily." Explained Sally thoroughly.

"We are going to run to our victims house, so to not get tired while you are running you must breath in through your mouth and out through your nose. Before we go I want to give you time to practice. You see that 4th tree over there? Run all the way over there and run back to me in 30 seconds." Smiled Sally.

Smile looked at where the 4th tree was and got in a running position. Sally had to do this when she was 7 with Jeff and now it is Smiles turn to do it. He ran fast for a puppy and ran back to Sally, but even faster. Smile forgot the breathing procedure and was out of breath by the time he reached Sally.

"40 seconds. Not bad, you did better than me the first time i did it. You can do even better if you do the breathing procedure, so remember breath in through your mouth and out from your nose." Sally told Smile.

Smile turned around and ran to the 4th tree while doing the breathing procedure Sally told him to do. He ran back to Sally and finished in 20 seconds.

"Good job Smile! You're a good boy!" Sally incouraged Smile.

Smile licked Sally and waited for more instructions to be told.

"Now that you can ran without getting tired easily, it's time to go on your first killing spree. My first killing spree was pretty fun actually, I killed my Uncle Johnny. I know that sounds a bit ironic, but there is a reason why I killed him and I will tell you the story later. Come on, lets go!" Giggled Sally as she started to run.

Smile followed her and was keeping up with Sally. He felt free and loved how the wind hit his fur. Sally took Smile to a blue and black colored house. It was a two story house, so this out to be fun.

"Ready Smile?" Smiled Sally.

Smile barked and headed towards the house. Sally followed and the door was locked.

"Okay Smile I need you to look for something skinny and sharp." Commanded Sally.

Sally could of used her knife, but she wanted Smile to know what it is like to be in situations like this. Smile took about 1 minute to look for an object Sally had asked for. He found a small pocket knife.

"Alright Smile! Goodjob!" Whispered Sally.

Sally picked the lock and she opened the door silently. Goos thing the door isn't the type of door that creaks when you open it.

"Smile you go in first. Listen, I am not going to tell you how to kill that is your job to know how you want to kill and what you want your saying to be once you are done killing your victim. Go on I'll get another person to kill." Explained Sally.

Smile nodded and went upstairs. He smelled the doors and picked one that had more than 1 person in it. Smile opened the door and saw a teenage girl and boy. Perfect. Smile growled in a low tone of voice.

The teenage boy woke up and saw Smile. He couldn't see him completely since it was dark.

"Babe, your dog is in your room." Yawned the boy.

"I don't have a dog Derek." Moaned the girl.

"Then who's dog is that?" Panicked the boy.

The teenage girl woke up and turned on the light. They saw Smile and couldn't help, but scream in terror. Smile jumped on their bed and ripped their skin apart. He started with the boy and bite his eyes and nose off. There was blood everywhere including the walls.

On the other hand, the teenage girls parents woke up and ran to their room with a baseball bat. Before they could even make it to their daughters room, Sally jumped right in front if them and cut their bodies in half with her sword. The teenage girl ran towards the door and Smile caught her and bit her at the back of her foot. The girl yelled in pain and was crying like a waterfall. Smile jumped on her and growled loudly.

He bit off her ear and scratched her deeply. All you can see of the girls face was blood and her eyes wide open. Both teenagers were dead all because of a killer puppy. Sally walked in and was surprised by how badly Smile can kill.

"Dang, you sure can kill like a pro. Anyways, did you come up with a saying?" Asked Sally.

Smile forgot all about that, but he thought of one quickly. He covered his paw with blood and drew on the wall. It read," SPREAD THE WORD."

"Intresting. Let's go Smile, we will go killing again tomorrow." Smiled Sally.

Smiled wagged his tail and followed Sally out the door. They headed home and didn't stop for anything or anyone. Smile seemed to have a good time.


SO HOWS THE STORY SO FAR? I need to ask you killers some questions:

1. Who should be in the story?

2. Who ever you picked to be in the story, how would you want them to act towards the other characters/creepypasta's?

3. Would you want me to include any of your ideas in the story? If you do, message me or comment on the comments below.

4. Who should Sally and Slender man fall in love with?

So, these are my questions to you guys and tell me anything you want me to add in ok? SEE YA LATER

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