Chapter Sixteen

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      Colby's eyes widen but he didn't pull back. He knew he should've because their friendship would never ever be the same after this.
      Brennen, realising what he had done, pulled back abruptly. His eyes was filled with regret that Colby thought shouldn't had even be there in the first place.
      Both of them sat in silence. The music blasting through the room started to become inaudible. Right now, it was just like only two of them.
      Colby watched as Brennen moved a little bit away from him. He knew they messed up. Nothing will ever be the same between them. No more jokes or laughter. All because of one stupid kiss.
      "I'm- I don't know what to say Brennen", he sighed. He had given up the attempt to look into Brennen's eyes so he just stared at the ground.
      "Then don't. None of that was supposed to happen. It was a mistake" Brennen said.
       Colby fighted the urge to cry. Why were all of his emotions getting heightened? All the guilts, the regrets, the self-loathed...
        "It's okay..I understand. It's the alcohol right?" Colby measured his voice carefully.
        " was. We're friends and nothing more. Keep it a secret, will ya? I don't want my friends to know I kissed a guy" Brennen smiled.
        "I will",was all he could reply. It was short and it didn't really imply anything. But he gotta  admit it to himself, Brennen's words did hurt.
        "Hey, I want to go to the toilet. Stay here and don't go anywhere" Brennen was back to normal. Colby nodded and watched him go away.
       But he wasn't planning on staying. He stood up and walked away. He wanted nothing more to do with this place.
       He called an Uber and went to Brennen's house where his car was at and drove home.

I gotta admit. I hate myself for this chapter. Anyways, I love you guys 😘😘😘😘😘.


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