Chapter Twenty

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Colby's POV
"Bradlee? What are you doing here?" I asked before patting off the dusk that was sticking to my pants and standing up.
He shrugged but decided to answer anyway. "I guess I was looking for you. I don't know".
"W-what? Why on Earth would you be looking for me?" I asked with a disbelief expression.
Bradlee fell silent for a while and the Uber arrived beside us on the street. He told me he'd tail along with me throughout the day.
       I groaned and got in the car with him. Bradlee and I weren't very close. Sure, we do talk from time to time but only if it was important.
       The ride was silent and it was killing me so I faked cough to break it. He looked at me immediately and sighed.
       "Okay, that's it. I'm tired of the sighing. If you want to talk, let's talk. Don't just sit there quietly" I narrowed my eyes. Hah, habit.
       "I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say it. Did something happened between you and Brennen?" Bradlee asked. I could literally hear the nervousness in his voice.
       My jaw dropped. How the fuck am I going to answer the question? Yeah, he's gay and all but I haven't even told Sam! I don't even want to believe the whole situation happened. I turned to face him slowly. And decided to tell him the truth.
       "He kissed me"
      "Hah, I knew it. He had been avoiding me the whole morning. And I know the person he's closest to is you" He smiled but that expression dropped as soon as he looked at my face.
        "And I'm guessing things didn't turned out so well?" Bradlee scooted closer to me. I shook my head no and shut my eyes tightly.
     "I don't-"
     "Do you like like him?"
     "I'm-I'm not sure. Maybe?"
     "I only have one advise for you, Colby. Stay away from him if you don't want your heart to break"

A long overdue chapter.. heheh, please do me a favour by voting or commenting on the book. Love you guys.

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