Chapter Three

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   Sam stared at his suitcase for what seemed like minutes when his mother knocked on his bedroom door.
    "Samuel? Are you finish packing?" Her soft voice asked as the doorknob twisted open.
     "Yeah..I'm not really sure if I want to leave this place" Sam shrugged.
     "Oh, sweetheart. I know you'll make the right choice. You're doing this for yourself and Colby's" She smiled and closed the door.
     He shook his head repeatedly and carried his suitcase downstairs where his family was waiting for him in the living room.
     "I'm going to really miss you guys.." Sam said as he hugged them one by one.
     They said their goodbyes and watched as Sam and his sister- to drive the car back to the house- leave.

     Colby was already waiting in his living room when Sam knocked on the door. He took his time to open the door.
     "Yo Sam, You ready?" Colby grinned.
     "Hell yeah, I am!" Sam laughed. "You've said your farewells?" He added.
     "Uh, yeah. I did. They told me to wish us luck in LA" Colby's eyes drifted to search around the house.
     Sam made a friendly gesture by patting of his arm. "Let's leave this place".
     Colby nodded and carried his suitcase to the car. They both got in not long after. Sam called shotgun.
      As they drive away, he turned back and look at everything one last time. He will not miss the place.
       Not that he knew what the future holds for him...


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