Chapter Thirty-Two

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"I still don't like this whatsoever..." Sam complained while they wait for the girls in front of their house. Colby did succeed in making Sam and the others agree to come to this party Brennen invited them to.

"How about you pretend for me?" Colby grinned and watched Sam nodded weakly. Maybe now he'll know how hard it was to pretend.

They both laughed and were awestruck when the girls stopped in front of them. They were both wearing gorgeous dresses with high heels. They were dressed for fun.

"Both of you looked fantabulous. Ready sweethearts?" Sam took over for Colby. He knew the guy was exhausted already. He did not want to add to the list of the things he did wrong these past few weeks.

"Gentlemen of the night, I see" Katrina laughed and pecked a kiss on Sam's lips. His reaction was cuter than the Koalas in Australia, though Colby ought to disagree.

"They won't be much of a gentlemen when they're both high and drunk at the party..." Caroline said it as a intended joke but she earned a death glare from Kat.

"What? You know this group, Kat. You out of all people should know they're not the type to hang around often. Much less go to a party that they hosted" Caroline turned defensive and talked back.

"Okay, that is enough. I'm the one who invited you guys and it's fine if you don't want to go. I'm sure Bren won't mind and he'll probably accept me as the sacrifice" Colby said it with a cold expression on his face.

"Yeah, like hell that would happen. I think you hang around him too much these days because you're acting more like him!" Caroline glared.

"There's no such thing as hanging around him too much. He is my bestfriend, for god sake! Just...get in the car or I'm not fucking joking when I'm saying I'll go alone" Colby snapped and got into the driver's seat.

"Hey, Caroline? Take it easy on him. If you're talking about hating Brennen Taylor, believe me when I say I'm all in. But, Colby trust him and I guess we should leave him alone" Sam explained while he hold Katrina's hand.

Caroline sighed and got into the car with them. Colby was staring at his phone with a shocked expression on his face but he was quick to cover it up right as the car doors closed tight with a click.

"Sam, C. Please just try to enjoy yourselves. This is my friends we're talking about here. Respect them and they'll respect you" Colby said calmly and kept quiet for the rest of the ride.

When they arrived, Elton's house wasn't as they expected it to be. The music was not loud that it could be heard through the neighbourhood, only if you were close enough.

They pulled over and Brennen came out of the front door and walked over to them. Mostly to greet Colby.

"Hi luv. I see that you made it" Brennen smirked after he glanced over to the car to make sure that Sam and the others would not overhear.

" I am" Colby muttered.

"You're still mad at me? We've gotta do something about that.." Brennen grinned and spun Colby around so Bren was facing the house.

Colby waited patiently for whatever Brennen had in mind. His friends had got out of the car and was watching them. Brennen hugged Colby and his hands slowly trailed down from Colby's back to his bum. His hands lingered there for a while then Bren gave him a devilish smirk and squeezed them.

Colby's eyes widened and he blushed. Thanked god it was nighttime. He pulled away and rolled his eyes playfully. Brennen replied with a sly smile on his face.

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