Chapter Thirty-Five

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Colby's POV

"So I'll see you later, I guess. Thanks for taking me home again" I took out the key from my pocket and started to unlock the door. To my surprise, it wasn't even locked in the first place. Bren had took me home just as he promised earlier, straight after breakfast.

Ah, that reminds me. I still have to talk to Sam about what Elton said last night.

"When exactly is later?" Bren asked with a sly smirk on his face.

"Hurmm...exactly when I want it to be" I chuckled when he gave no reaction to me at all.

"All right all right, I'll text you after I finish my works. Like, right away" I grinned and attempted to grab his hand but he pulled away. My smile slowly faded.

"It's not that I don't want to but we're in public, Colby. Someone could see us" Brennen said matter-of-factly. 

In my heart, it honestly did stung. So what? So what if someone sees us? Our fans shipped Brolby already so what is the fucking matter?! This is honestly so tiring and it was making me exhausted.

"Colby? Colbs, say something.." His emerald green eyes were pleading but I was still upset a bit.

I remained cold and silent. It would take only seconds for me to leave but I was still trying to be 'considerate' to my best friend.

"Colby, c''re being over-dramatic. We made the deal remember? Only behind closed're ruining the mood bro" Brennen stepped one step closer to me but that didn't mean anything.

And hearing those stupid excuses finally did it. I snapped.

"No, you're right Brennen Taylor. Only behind closed door, cause that is what all I am to you right? Your toy? You can count me out if thats the case. I need a break"

I turned away from him and placed my hand on the doorknob before glancing back at him for a second. All I said was five letters before I closed the door in his face.

"Get your damn feelings straight."

I huffed and rolled my eyes. I thought that this morning we could have a nice romantic sweet breakfast but look where that ended in a matter of second. I gripped and pulled my hair roughly before noticing that the outside of our door was quiet which meant that he had left already. Jerk.

"SAMUELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!" I screamed. There was a tiny responce coming from his bedroom which meant that he'll be there soon.

I sat down at the kitchen counter with a tired expression on my face. I'm wasting my time, that's all this was about. I came here, to LA, thinking I could get a fresh new start, without anyone knowing about my past. About the Resnez brothers. And in someway, I did get what I wanted. But then Brennen happened.

And I go spiralling back. Fuck.

There were noises approaching me so I looked up and saw Sam walking over to me. He was a messed so I was guessing that he had just woken up.

"What on earth had gotten into you waking me up in the morning? You came home and literally screamed me awake. Enjoyed it yet?" Sam muttered with an annoyed expression.

"Okayy..chill. I needed to talk to you about Elton's offer for us to move in with them - the roommates - at the house" I waved him off and waited for his answer.

Silence. No reaction was given. One, Two, Thr-

"Absolutely..fucking not! I am not moving in with people who does not have rules in living" Sam glared straight into my eyes.

"Oh c'mon Sam, just this once. Won't you trust me with whats the best for the both of us? If you really love me, you'd do this for me..." I pleaded.

I used his greatest weakness. Guilt.

He sighed and thought for a second. Sam shook his head and stared at the ground.

"Look, I care about you okay? so fine, I'm in. You go and settle everything, the paperworks etc. I have somewhere to be in sixty so yeah. Yeah, that's it" Sam smiled. It didn't reached his eyes.

I watched my best friend walked away from me before he stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards me. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Take care of yourself, Colbs. You're one of the bestest thing that could've ever happened to me so do that one thing for me. Take good care of yourself. Please" Sam silently pleaded before disappearing into his room.

But how can I take good care of a monster? Of course Sam didn't know what I did after that night. He only thought that I went home and cried myself to sleep but something else happened.

I don't deserved the love people gave me. Not until he forgive me.

I flinched when my phone started ringing. The caller ID lighted up the screen. I sighed and picked up slowly.


"Hi, Colbs"

Her voice somewhat soothed my broken emotions right now. I suddenly find myself silently wishing her here with me so she could be my distraction from the world.

"So..what do you want?" I asked after a bit.

"Honestly? Nothing. I just wanted to..hear your voice. Pathetic, I know"

"Hey..don't say that. It's cute C and you know what?"

"What Colby?"

Oh fuck..I was really going to say this. A distraction wont hurt, could it?

"I missed you too. Come here for a bit? Maybe we could talk some things out" I was nervous as heck and I wasn't sure why.

"Sorry Colbs..I have stuff to do. Rain check?" Caroline sighed.

"No's okay and yeah, rain check. You owe me big time" I chuckled a bit. Fake one of course.

"Yeah, promise. Gotta go, thanks Colby"

"Most welcome, C" The line went silent.

What on earth was happening to me? First, Bren and now, Caroline. I gotta clear my head, get things straight. I need to talk to Elton still about the house. I scrolled down my contacts and found his name.

To : Elton Castee

From : Colby Brock

Hey, uh need to talk. Sam agreed in moving with u guys. Wanna meet up later?

I put my phone on the table and filled an empty cup with water before gulping all of it down in one go. Then my phone lighted up, Elton replied.

To : Colby Brock

From : Elton Castee

Can ya drive to the house? All of us are currently here and just talking so drive over??? We can get everything done todaay if ya like.

I frowned. All of them would mean...Brennen being there. I shook my head and replied with a simple okay before heading towards my bedroom to shower and get ready.

I'm going to try my best and ignore the emerald green eyes as hard as I could. End of story. I don't know where we stood at the moment. And I was about to probably find out when I get there.

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